in #charlesfuchs7 years ago

What's up my STACKERS!

It's a Sunday Morning in Las Vegas and I decided to go through some old stuff that I had for many years, and look what I found, a throwback pic! 😊

This was me in 1997 working at MCI WORLDCOM cold calling people selling them long distance (yes, we had to pay extra for calling people out of state back then! lol), do you even remember those days? 🤣

It was the good ole days when minimum wage was $5.25, damn times sure has changed! I remembered it was also the year I found the internet, Yeah Yeah... it was when AOL was famous and we all had dial up modems. 😳

While working at MCI, I decided that enough was enough and that I was built a different way. I just knew the Internet was the future so I decided to quit my job to focus making a living online starting with couple hundreds bucks that I saved up. 👨🏼‍💻

Yeah I was scared as hell... 20 years old with nothing but I had to take a chance. I remember reading a Jim Rohn book that year and he stated that change must happen now or you will be stuck for the rest of your life. 

Remember, I was a broke growing up living in a shack... yeah this was my house listed below... 1000 SQ of true poverty (from 1995-2001) but that didn't stop me. 🏚️

So what I'm am trying to say, it was 1000X times harder to make money 20 years ago online than today... we didn't have any social media, cell phones, websites etc... etc...

Regardless of a persons situation, if you want it bad enough... anyone can make it happen. It doesn't take money to make money, it takes patience and courage. 

So we all should be grateful that we have Steemit, a new platform that we all can "Make It Happen" if we do our best and never quit. 

So with that being said, I hope this post motivates and inspires you that "You can make it happen" with tons of drive and effort. 💁🏼‍♂️

Have an awesome Sunday Steemians! 💞

P.S. For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs


Thank you for your inspirational story, I can really relate to it myself from my own life. I totally agree, patience and courage are the most important things, and I'd also add self-discipline. True wealth is what you have inside you. Even if you lose all your money you can get it back if you have the mindset, and if you don't you can have a ton of money and blow it all.

Hard work always pays off, GJ my friend!

Grind Lifestyle, the only way to live lol

Good post, I remember paying to cal long distance!

Those were some crazy days, I had a pager haha

Oh, really some people still work out there? ahah

kidding, btw internet has a lot of potential ;)

That dial up modem was awesome but I remembered it was the best thing I ever seen back then lol

Congrats to you @stackin.

For me, it is just now i have started to explore the internet for financial freedom through steemit.

EVERYONE can make it if they work hard enough.

Totally agree :)

Thanks for the motivational post. I am trying to figure out how to do more work and investment online. I've learned so much since joining Steemit in June and I can definitely see that there's a way to make enough with trading crypto, writing on Steemit and a few other things.

Good to remember what you've accomplished and how far you've come.

Same here, we are all in this together... we have not seen anything yet 😎

hmmm internet provides some own busines and make us owner with only freedom which we not get in jobs @stackin and u look awesome and young cool boy in 1997

That's funny lol ... yeah, it's the road to real freedom :)

times are changing ant technology is at the heart of it, its disrupting every industry, glad you found your niche early

Thanks for a good read :)

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