Make-A-Wish come true

in #charity7 years ago (edited)

Today has been a long day. The finish crew arrive to finish off our house and today I had to go pick up my college student to take her to her dentist appointment. I haven't been over to the house since arriving back home to check it out, as on the way home I started feeling bad. About 10 minutes away from home I had to pull over and throw up. I don't like getting sick and I can tell I am coming down with something.

But today on the long drive up to my daughter's college I was listening to the only radio station that stays in from my house to the college campus. WZPL 99.5 Indianapolis and today and tomorrow they are doing their Make-A-Wish Request-A-Thon. They tell stories of children who they are trying to make their wishes come true.

If you don't know much about Make-A-Wish they grant children wishes that have life threatening conditions. Though I don't have a whole lot I can personally donate at this time, I did have an extra $25 to give and decided to call in and donate. But I got to thinking while they are just on the radio trying to help make these wishes of these sick children come true, that I have a format that I might be able to help, steemit.

So Upvote this post and all the money raised from this post will be donated to Make-A-Wish. Want to directly help out Make-A-Wish go here to this link.;jsessionid=00000000.app294a?idb=1348187076&df_id=1501&FR_ID=1050&mfc_pref=T&PROXY_ID=1050&1501.donation=form1&PROXY_TYPE=21&NONCE_TOKEN=87216CAEA709ED8571B2963244EDBFAF

Want to know more about WZPL's Request-A-Thon for Make-A-Wish then go here

Growing up I knew a kid who had a life threatening condition. He had his wish granted by Make-A-Wish, he died shortly after his wish was granted. So when I see Make-A-Wish raising funds, if I have any to donate I try to. That wish made all the difference to him, and I hope it make a difference to others who may not make it.


I'll Tweet and share this. Hope you will get lots of Upvotes!!!

Here's my Tweet. Hope it helps you to get scads of Upvotes on this...

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