in #charity6 years ago (edited)

Building a Dream in Zulia

Greetings to everyone in this wonderful ecosystem. This is an English version of my post. I have translated it supported with google translator. This is my formal entrance to wordpress.

Some time ago, it started with the initiative of ROPAVEJERO EDUCATIVO IV, in which it was sought (as they can read in the post referred) to solve a situation of the School "Luis Ángel García" in Maracaibo state Zulia. Of course, it was established in phases, since the project was very large, the budget was quite high. However, as can be seen in the advance post (see here) it was achieved Carry out what was proposed for phase I successfully, since the established objectives were achieved.

Later, it was possible to advance a little more, since thanks to the support of the friend @enginewitty and the #thealliance family, who made a significant contribution of SDB that were destined to the advance of said project. As you will see below, it was possible to place pare of the mantos that could be acquired and also, took advantage of some of the material that was left, for the reconstruction of the floor of some rooms in the school. In that sense, I mention here the importance that the support of many people has had, who without expecting anything in return, have supported this initiative.

It is necessary to mention that, the economic situation of the country, has put uphill the realization of this type of works, due mainly to the high cost of the materials and also, to the lack of some of them. This for example, has been the case in which for lack of one of the materials, it must have waited a while without being able to execute. However, thanks to @jayoxaju, @javisem and other people in Zulia, we managed to find the missing material and on Monday: June 11, 2018, the placement of the acquired items was successfully executed. That is, until Monday, it was possible to complete a bit more about the project.

What was collected by our friend @enginewitty was about 15 SBD, which were placed in the account of the friend @crisangel, since he is the one who made the relationships directly with @enginewitty. This amount of SBD, was transferred to my account and from there, was sold at the best market price at the time, which could be specified in Bolivars, the amount of: <strong> 39,000,000, 00 Bs. </strong> This amount was distributed as indicated below:

MANTO16.000.000,00 Bs.
ASPHALT PAINTING10.000.000,00 Bs.
PLASTIC CEMENT4.400.000,00 Bs.
1/2 mts GRANZA1.500.000,00 Bs.

TOTAL: 41.900.000,00 Bs.
<sub>As you may have noticed, a small extra amount of money had to be placed.</sub>


A goal achieved, without being budgeted, was the placement of a floor in one of the rooms, which was totally damaged. This was a problem detected during our visit to the school, since during that visit we were able to explore other situations raised by the center's coordinator. So, seeing that part of the cement budgeted for the placement of the mantles in the structural plate could remain, those of us who were there gathered: @luis07, @jayoxaju, @crisangel and myself, we suggest the reconstruction of that floor in which He had stopped attending to a group of children because of what happened with the apartment.

So, the material was used and the day: Saturday June 9, 2018, the removal and placement of the damaged floor was achieved. This was done successfully and as it will be seen in the images, it was an arduous job in which all the damaged floor was broken for its removal and placement of the new floor. In that sense, it can be said that this achievement is a more achieved dream. Well, as you may realize, what was proposed was the placement of hands in the lacquer and could also build a new floor. I must thank everyone involved in this small goal, where many of the children could now benefit from their classroom.



Since one was not obtained of the materials, the realization of this execution was delayed a bit, that is to say, it was planned for the beginning of June to be able to complete this activity, however, it was not until Monday, June 11, 2018, when it was possible to complete the planned with the collected as it was said with previously with @enginewitty. In this sense, as you will see in the photos, the acquired mantle was placed and with that, it can be said that the objective of the dream in Zulia has been concluded with satisfaction.

Of course, who has followed the post of ROPAVEJERO EDUCATIVO IV, it will be possible to realize that the placement of 39 cloaks was being pursued. Of course, that amount was not achieved, due to the high costs of the materials. For example, when the first materials were bought, there were some that cost about 5 million Bs., And later, 2 weeks later, it cost that same material, about 21 million Bs. This type of situation is the one that has been making it difficult to achieve with total success. However, this does not paralyze the dreams, since we attacked the most serious problem in Zulia and it could be solved with successes.

In that sense, during our visit to Zulia, it could be perceived that looking for the best strategies, the problem could be solved without having to fall into difficulties or factors as difficult as hyperinflation. Of course, these strategies have been to work with the material we have as far as we can and with that, the progress and conclusion of the first silver phase was achieved at the time. With this, it should be said that until here, it is concluded with the work in Zulia.

I want to make it clear, we get here and despite the non-placement of the 39 complete cloaks; it was possible to solve the problem of the school. For this reason, it could be noted that the success achieved in this new dream has been very satisfactory, because despite the strong economic situation, with the support of more people, 2 responses could be achieved at the same time in the aforementioned school. Thanks to everyone who in one way or another has made it possible for Steemit to arrive at this new school. Next, the demonstrative images of what has been achieved.


In conclusion, I can point out that it has been a rewarding experience to help other places outside of our state. When many, perhaps, wondered how this type of activity would be done, some of those who have contributed to me such as: @jayoxaju, @crisangel and @luis07 were fundamental pillars for this dream to be successful. For which I feel very grateful to them for the way they dedicated themselves to the realization of this dream.

They are dreamers and I wish them the best of the world in every dream they undertake. This has left me with a very nice teaching and that, the more people come together for the same cause, success is possible with total security. Of course, we can all have visions about life in a different way, but if there is a will of help or service to others, I believe that a kind of system is born by itself and synergy appears as the force that drives everyone to successfully achieve what is proposed. At this time, learning has been one for all. I hope to continue with other initiatives that have been raised, such as ROPAVEJERO EDUCATIVO V that has just been published.

Thanks as always, to all those who have put their grain of sand and of course, several of them are people who have consistently supported the initiative of clothing, as in other opportunities, thank you very much for being ROPAVEJEROS DE LA LIFE ... @anomadsoul - @enginewitty - @fulltimegeek - @abigail-dantes - @elteamgordo - @coliraver - @schamangerbert

@votovzla - @reveur - @provenezuela

"The illusion is such; until it becomes tangible and real. Dreams do not die, the dreamer dies"


The photos taken, they have been with the phone of @jayoxaju and the first image, created by @crisangel who has authorized me to use it

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


When we change our thoughts, we change our world.

Exactly that's the way it is, everything changes firstly in us ... Thank you for visiting my blog @jehovahwitness

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