Charity Event For Lombok Status - Epic Success!!!

in #charity6 years ago

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Last week I showed you some behind the scenes stuff for planning a charity event.

We've had a ton of earthquakes in Bali but most of the damage was the next island over. I read that 90% of the buildings are just rubble now. Maybe I'll make my over there to confirm for myself, but from people I know who were there, it's true.

11 girls (including me) decided to plan a charity event where 100% of the proceeds would go to Lombok. They're short on water, tents, medical supplies, generators etc.

So the past few weeks I've spent most of my spare time getting sponsors for the event, organizing things, and running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

But tonight after seeing it all come together it felt so worth it.

The event turned out to be super fun (at least the 20 minutes I got to be social...I was in charge of selling entrance tickets and raffle tickets so I was stuck at the table and couldn't do as much socializing as I wanted).

I have some pretty crappy pictures to share for now, but I actually got a videographer and photographer to volunteer to come to the event... there will be way better pics soon!

We raise about $1,200 USD tonight which might not seem like a lot, but for Bali it's a lot!!!

The entire upstairs section of the restaurant that we had dedicated to the event was jam-packed full of people and the live band was amazing.

The event was at a place called Fat Mermaid which I actually wrote about a while ago.

Anyway, we had these "balinese offering" style raffle baskets, which raised a lot of money!

I don't like to take a lot of pictures of myself, so I have my signature bracelets on to prove that I was there.

The baskets were tiny, but the prizes were big. 3-night free stay at a beach resort and stuff like that.

Here's after the event around cleaning up time with 2 other girls that I planned the event with. It's blurry but that's how I like it! But still, I ended up with a picture of me despite semi-avoiding it haha:

Yeah, I'm only wearing one earring but I couldn't get the other one in the hole. Sorry if that sounds wrong, but I got a lot of compliments on my "earrings" until I pointed out that I was just wearing one. One is better than none!!

Fat Mermaid made a special 50% off menu just for our Love For Lombok event!

Just my friend and I making weird faces with food on our teeth while we were taking tickets. Normal pictures are underrated:

Annddd some of our food sponsors that had food to sample:

I was too busy working to really take any more pictures. But it was a great night and everything came together so perfectly. Super happy that we were able to have a fun event while also helping out our neighbors next door!


Oh heck yeah. Congratulations on raising so much that's amazing. I hope you do have the oppertunity to go to the other islands to go give out some help. I wish the US navy would send us to come to Bali to help! I would love to go to Bali hahaha but also love to help!

Posted using Partiko Android

oooo yeah!! Have the navy ship you over here!

Great job, getting out and helping thy neighbor!

well thanks, bonus points because it was fun at the same time

super amazing! That is an awesome thing for you to do

it was also fun so that's an added bonus

AMAZING! I wish I could have been there or helped plan with you and see how it all came together. Congrats on the success and am so glad you raised such a big amount for Lombok.

I wish you could've been here too!!! Thanks!

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