Returning environments to the original design.

in #charity6 years ago

I do not believe that human beings were made to be slaves of political or economic systems, I refuse to believe that poverty or misery are the standard of the weak, I refuse to believe that this is an original and permanent design for the world today , a world full of wars, famines, loneliness, where women are raped, abused children, religions harassing, piety as disguise and death penalty for the vilest by corrupt judges who commit worse or more serious sins against humanity.

No creo que los seres humanos fuimos hechos para ser esclavos de sistemas políticos o económicos, me niego a creer que la pobreza o la miseria son el estándar de los débiles, me niego a creer que este sea un diseño original y permanente para el mundo actual, un mundo lleno de guerras, hambres, soledad, donde las mujeres son violadas, niños maltratados, religiones acosando, piedad como disfraz y pena de muerte para el mas vil por parte de jueces corruptos que cometen peores o mas graves pecados contra la humanidad.


In the photo I am making an educational dynamic for the children of the community of Cambalache in Venezuela.
En la foto estoy haciendo una dinámica educativa para los niños de la comunidad de cambalache en Venezuela.

I refuse to believe that the abuse of power of political leaders is normal in our society, that corruption reign behind the most needy, I refuse to believe that our people, our humanity should live in war, religious wars, political wars, wars Like the September 11th, I refuse to think that it was necessary the death of thousands of innocents, that this is a divine plan, I believe and I'm sure the original design is more than a simple orchard of fruits and vegetables.

Me niego a creer que el abuso de poder de lideres políticos sea normal en nuestra sociedad, que la corrupción reine a espaldas de los mas necesitados, me niego q creer que nuestra gente, nuestra humanidad deba vivir en guerra, guerras religiosas, guerras políticas, guerras como las del 11 de septiembre, me niego a pensar que fue necesario la muerte de miles de inocentes, que esto sea un designio divino, creo y estoy seguro que el diseño original es mas que un simple huerto de frutas y hortalizas.

I think more than an orchard, we were made to inhabit and coexist in love in freedom, enjoying everything around us without hurting or mistreating anyone, a place where rich and poor are equal, where black and white coexist as brothers, where languages are not Barriers, nor the social status either, I think that Latinos and states can be brothers, I think that Mexicans and Chinese can shake hands, I believe in this unit and work for her, although hatred and enmity, pride or competition, want to divide, Let us reflect and understand, that the fight is not against your brother, but against a system and a design that is not the original.

Creo que mas que un huerto, fuimos hechos para habitar y coexistir en amor en libertad, disfrutando todo a nuestro alrededor sin herir ni maltratar a nadie, un lugar donde ricos y pobres son iguales, donde blancos y negros conviven como hermanos, donde los idiomas no son barreras, ni el status social tampoco, creo que latinos y estado unidenses pueden ser hermanos, creo que mexicanos y chinos pueden darse la mano, creo en esta unidad y por ella trabajare, aunque el odio y las enemistades, el orgullo o la competencia, quieran dividirnos, reflexionemos y entendamos, que la lucha no es contra tu hermano, sino contra un sistemas y un diseño que no es el original.

I want to quote a part of the famous speech of MARTIN LUTHER KING.

I tell you today, my friends, that despite all the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise and live the true meaning of its creed: ' We believe that these truths are evident: that all men are created equal. '

I have the dream that one day in the Red hills of Georgia the children of former slaves and the children of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the sorority table.

I have the dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, stifled by the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have the dream that my four young children will live one day in a nation where they won't be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!

I have the dream that one day, back in Alabama, with his ruthless racists, with a governor whose lips drip with the words of interposition and annulment; One day right there in Alabama, little black kids and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as brothers and sisters. I have a dream today!

I have the dream that one day each valley will be exalted, every hill and mountain will be lowered, the steep sites will be flattened and the winding sites will be straightened, and that the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all the flesh will see it in unison. This is our hope. This is the faith with which I will return to the south. With this faith we will be able to sculpt in the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the discrepancies of our nation into a beautiful Brotherhood symphony. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to fight together, to go to prison together, to fight for our freedom together, with the certainty that one day we will be free.

This will be the day, this will be the day when all the children of God will be able to sing with a new meaning: ' My country, sweet land of freedom, upon you I sing. Land where my parents died, land of the Pilgrim's Pride, from every hillside, let Freedom resound. ' And if America is going to become a great nation, it must become a reality. Then let freedom resound from the prodigious new Hampshire summits. Let freedom resonate from the great mountains of new York. Let freedom resonate from the Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom resonate from the snow-capped peaks of Colorado. Let freedom resonate from California's curved peaks. Let freedom resonate from the Stone mountains of Georgia. Let the liberty of the Lookout mountain of Tennessee resonate. Let Freedom resound from every hill and every mountain of Mississippi, from each hillside, let Freedom resound! And when this happens, when we let Freedom resound, when we let it resound from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to hasten the arrival of that day when all the children of God, black men and white men , Jews and Christians, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to unite their hands and sing the words of an old black spiritual: ' We are finally free! We're finally free! Thank God Almighty, we are finally free! '
Source of the text y para lectura en español


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Beautiful. I love your enthusiasm and the Beautiful sentiments in this post. It's people like you that give me faith in humanity.

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We need that kind of faith in humanity. Thank you very much friend

We need that kind of
Faith in humanity. Thank
You very much friend

                 - lopzdaniel

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