Give Love this Christmas | New Year with Jesus 2018

in #charity6 years ago

año nuevo con jesus 2018.jpg

Greetings Steemianos!

Today I want to talk about an activity, which will be taking place on December 8th on the occasion of Christmas celebrations. The Children of the Foundation @littledisciples, and children of our city are Venezuelan children living in poverty, others not in poverty, but if in many gaps because of the economic situation that is currently going through the country, some children also live in extreme poverty, Their parents have little or nothing to meet their daily needs as they are, food, clothing, footwear, school supplies, and not to talk about health situation. So this social day, has no limits, we try to focus on all possible areas, to give them a future, a different day, perhaps a different month, and a smile to each child.

Can you imagine a Christmas without gifts, without music, without food, or without new clothes?

For these are the Christmas of thousands of children in the world, and especially in my country Venezuela, Christmas lacking many material goods, goods that make the day to day of every child more bearable, sustainable and full of life. Christmas is music, joy, festivity, food and celebration. Can you imagine a Christmas without any of this?

But as a child celebrates, with nothing in the stomach, as a child without clothes celebrates?

Seeing children without gifts, toys, treats and that this Christmas will not receive anything, many will not have to eat, to dress, new clothes recently released, and we are talking about children in extreme poverty as well as children who do not live in extreme poverty, but as I said before the situation of the country harasses them day by day, children who live in the street, children who do not know why they have lived such circumstances. Children looking for a solution, but not finding a helping hand, they go to drugs, vices, and the street. Children who sleep in Squares, under a bridge, and some do not sleep, because they do not dawn the next day.

We'll close our eyes to such deeds?

We need to sensitize our hearts, because a sensitive heart, shows love without selfishness, gives of how little it can have, to see smiles full of hope, and families with a different destiny.

We want to reach more homes, to as many homes as we can, we want the Steem to reach every corner, every poor house, every home under bridges, every home built on mountains, on Crags, on plains, in every hole where a child's cry does not It is taken care of, there, through the Steem, we want to arrive and give love, to give joy and blessing.

Let's be instruments of love, in the midst of a hard world of heart.

The love for these children is in every heart, I do not speak of a love fart-filo, I speak of a agape love, a divine Love, pure, seeking the good of each of them and before the personal good, is this kind of love that we need to take to every corner of Venezuela , every corner of the world. You may not be able to give love expressed in toys, food or clothing, but you can place each of these things in hands, which will take them to each of these children, hands that have understood the value of a child, and the good heart of every citizen. This is our work, to show God through simple acts of kindness, as we say in the project, Little disciples, small gestures of love.

A simple gesture that is, if it's loaded with the love of God, is a powerful gesture that can change a life.

Do not miss this Christmas to give joy, to give love to your family, your neighbors, the children of your neighborhood, city, or country, because the world will thank you, because:

Each person is a tree that needs to be watered to flourish, along with all the other trees, and to be a forest that of shade and life to our land.

Give Love and joy this Christmas, they will thank you, is part of the chain of favors, a favor can mark generations, a gesture of love can save many lives.

Thanks for reading!

@lopzdaniel CEO of the Small Disciples Foundation @littledisciples in Venezuela.



Join the Little Disciples Foundation and support Venezuelan childrens


English translation of my post Regala amor en estas navidades | Año nuevo con Jesús 2018

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