Project Hope, extension and repercussions in Venezuela (Food Donation) / Update

in #charity5 years ago

Hello dear readers!

Two months ago of my last publication related to this wonderful project, in this update of the project I will continue to show what @project.hope is allowing us to achieve in Venezuela, making #PROJECTHOPE transcend the scope of the platform and help with food to some People in my country.


To understand a little more about what we have undertaken in Venezuela, I recommend you read my previous publications related to this project: Project Hope, extension and repercussions in Venezuela (Food Donation)
[UPGRADE] Project Hope, extension and repercussions in Venezuela (Food Donation)


A few months ago I invited a group of leaders in my town to participate in a project to help people with food needs in our environment, and we are working on the project we call project hope, inspired by the project that gave me help in the steemit platform and to which I currently belong, the initiative of our friend @crypto.piotr.

The project consists of collecting food from people who are willing to help with the little that can be achieved now in Venezuela, select a family and bless it with the amount of food collected. So far only two deliveries had been completed, which I showed in previous publications, in addition to that, today I share two more deliveries made on November 29.

Implications of the project.

Most of you know in some way the situation that our country is going through Venezuela, a situation that affects us all equally, so you can imagine that doing a job like this in our country is not an easy task since we ourselves, those involved In the project we must face the lack of food every day, however, this is not an impediment to continue promoting this initiative.

Due to the high degree of complexity of collecting food today in Venezuela, we were obliged to suspend the delivery of food aid for a month, which was a blow to our motivation, however, we reconsidered the project, we reorganized and achieved Once again reach some homes in our town.

Progress and actuality of the project.

Despite the stumbling blocks we have had, I want to highlight some points that I consider positive in this initiative, aspects that are incorporated into the project after this forced pause:

One of the aspects that I want to highlight is the fact that the number of families served by one family increased to two families per month, something that is still very little, but it is what resources allow us so far, I am sure that That this will increase in the future.

The other point in which we are going to advance is in the elaboration of a document where the objectives of this project are raised, to request help from the merchants of the area, hoping that they will also join this project.

Testimony of the different deliveries.

First delivery

project hopeproject hopeproject hopeproject hope

Second delivery

project hopeproject hopeproject hopeproject hope

Third and Fourth Delivery

Project HopeFirst FamilySecond FamilyProject Hope

Bearers of Hope

@edgarare1 He was the first person to contribute 100 STEEM to the project

Final reflection

The work we do is highly satisfactory and rewarding, which drives us to continue with it despite all the limitations. In a previous post I expressed the high degree of gratitude I feel for steem. @crypto.pior and @project.hope for representing my escape valve from the huge crisis that is going through my country.

For this feeling of gratitude and for what the platform represents, @crypto.pior and @project.hope, I decided to name this project as a way to thank and share what I received here.

Likewise, I thank all those who participate in project hope and have somehow supported my growth on this platform.

Note: A final call to all those users who read my publications regularly, also to those who read for the first time, if you feel identified with this project and are encouraged to collaborate, you can make your contribution in steem or other cryptocurrency, leaving your contribution with the memo #HOPEVENEZUELA FOOD DONATION and you will be included in the next update as #HopeBearer.

Next food delivery December 27, join and become a bearer of hope!

PROJECT #HOPE An Initiative to give hope!

Visit our website


You are very admirable.
The world is happy for you.

I bet that the big brother is violent,
In order to let his family eat an extra bowl of rice,
Let others have no food to eat.


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Hi friend @cloudblade, thanks for being here.

Thank you for supporting this brother cause, we are trying to help in the midst of a crisis situation and everyone can join.

Amigo @fucho80

Es una obra grandiosa la que hacen.
De verdad que si.
Soy testigo de lo duro de la situación en mí país, lo que me determinó a emigrar.

La ayuda de @ crypto.piort para muchos es evidente, es un personaje muy humano y colaborador, destacando que es de manera desinteresada ,y @project.hope, una iniciativa excelente que está beneficiando a muchos.

Cuenta comigo para este mes.

Hola mi estimado @josevas217, gracias por estas maravillosas palabras hermano, también por el compromiso de convertirte en un portador de esperanza, es muy difícil mantener y llevar esta iniciativa sin apoyo de otras personas, con el favor de Dios y la cooperación de ustedes seguiremos llevando esperanza a estas familias.

@crypto.piotr es un gran ser humano, el me apoyo cuando estuve a punto de abandonar esta plataforma y todavía continua apoyándonos y @project.hope es una herramienta creada para impulsar la ayuda mutua y el crecimiento sostenido de nuestras cuentas en la plataforma. Te invito a que conozcas mas del proyecto.

Me interesa el proyecto, se que es uno de los buenos.
Voy a revisarlo, a ver de que manera me puedo integrar.
Gracias @fucho80

Dear @fucho80

I just had a chance to read your publication a moment ago. It's absolutely a pleasure to be part of this team and collaborate with you and others :)

Reality is that if not for you guys, I would probably give up on Steemit as I don't see much value in this platform right now (except of getting to know some valuable people)

I'm also glad that this project is giving you some extra strength to go through your every-day-struggle.

One of the aspects that I want to highlight is the fact that the number of families served by one family increased to two families per month

I found it confusing. What do you mean?

Yours, Piotr

Hi~ fucho80!
@cloudblade has gifted you 1 SHOP!

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Are you bored? Play Rock,Paper,Scissors game with me!

It’s a tie! 平局!再来!在猜拳界,我还没有输过!

deranged You just received DERANGED @fucho80 Keep up the great work, view all your tokens at

Sure brother, thanks!

Hey @fucho80, here is a little bit of BEER from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!

Friend @fucho80 only God knows our needs but nevertheless it is always better to give than to receive. I congratulate you for that great work.

May God bless you and your whole family.

Hello dear @lanzjoseg

May God bless you and your whole family.

Thank you brother, thank you for the continued support, blessings to you and your family.

I think in this case you need to receive first to be able to give. No one has profit from it if you give everything away and you and your family get sick and die for hunger.

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