Eurno Pre-Release Progress Update #2

in #charity6 years ago (edited)

As we move closer to the release of our self claim airdrop dApp, we would like to continue to bring the cryptocurrency world continued updates regarding our progress in an attempt to provide the wider public with validation of the transparency of the Eurno project.

This update will include vital information about the ENO ERC20 token which will eventually be airdropped for free to anybody who wishes to claim it with our dApp, along with information regarding the Enumivo block producer which we are operating and the Enumivo main network.

While the current state of play across the entire cryptocurrency market is causing concern among many enthusiasts (the huge sea of red) the entire Eurno team are secretly seeing our confidence increase. So, lets get to the interesting parts.

ERC20 ENO Token Details

First things first, we feel it is important to notify the cryptocurrency community of the fact that we have officially released our ERC20 ENO token. The first point to note would be that of the total supply.

Those of you who have read our whitepaper will already be aware of the fact that our proposed total supply is set at 50 million ENO tokens, however, 22 million ENO tokens of that figure are not to come into effect until we have officially moved the Eurno project to our permanent blockchain, and have released our voting dApp.

It is with this consideration that we decided we would only ever mint 28 million ERC20 ENO tokens on the Ethereum network. Two of the main considerations before making this decision were security and trust. By minting the full 50 million supply prior to moving blockchain's we would have added an element of required trust from our community, and added an element of risk to the entire project through the fact that 22 million ENO tokens would be sitting dormant in a wallet, or through having a contract which was able to mint more than the needed 28 million ERC20 ENO tokens.

We outlined in our whitepaper that, of the 22 million un-minted ENO tokens, 9.5 million were to be used in the way of a second free distribution (to be decided upon by our community), 11.5 million were to be used to complete charitable ventures on behalf of our token holding community, and 1 million tokens were to be donated to the UBI fund by Enumivo.

ENO Token Contract & Dev Wallet Address

The ERC20 ENO token contract address can be found here: 0xCdC4423531dF5F3F87d1Ff54047c769fE488c49F

The ERC20 Eurno development wallet can be found here: 0xF8837a1f444C7D644B3DBdC41C88BE35874b4b5d

Since creating the Eurno wallet we have been donating funds from the bounties we receive through Something Decent, as promised. Currently the wallet holds AMN and OMX tokens. In due time we will transfer 15% of the tokens we received from Bob's Repair, and from Sapien (Bob's repair tokens are lock until June 20th 2018 and Sapien became unlocked yesterday). All tokens in the Wallet listed above will be sent to the EurnoToken.eth contract address.

It should also be noted that we have resolved the 'EurnoToken.eth' ENS name to the contract address of the token and have contacted Etherscan to include our official links etc.

We have also contacted My Ether Wallet to request they add us as an official token before the airdrop commences. We have taken both of these steps as precautionary measures. Many of you will already know how many phishing attempts are made in the Ethereum network and we wish to do all we can to prevent our community from falling victim to them.

As mentioned within our whitepaper, we will be setting up a number of wallets to allow users to donate to the project as they see fit. The prospective wallets which WILL be resolved are as follows:


Used to donate towards the development of Eurno, funds sent here will be voted on by the Eurno token holding community.


Used to donate towards charitable ventures carried out by the Eurno project, funds sent here will be voted on by the Eurno token holding community.


Used to donate towards development of the Eurno project, funds sent here will NOT be voted on and will be used exclusively to progress the Eurno project how the development team sees fit.


Enumivo Block Producer Activation

Again, as is mentioned within our whitepaper, we plan to fund the Eurno project through a number of self funded cryptocurrency ventures, one of which being our own block producer on the Enumivo main network blockchain. We would like to inform the cryptocurrency community of the fact that the Enumivo main network went live on June 15th 2018 at 11am Beijing time and the network was handed over to its block producers successfully.

The Eurno project is pleased to announce that our block producer has been running smoothly since the 4th June 2018 and that the Enumivo main network is now at block number 2143857.

If you have participated in the ENU main net token swap we urge all supporters of Eurno to head over to their GUI wallet and vote for Eurn project as this will assist with securing our place in the top 21, which grants us a percentage of the block rewards offered by Enumivo.

The activation of the Enumivo main network and the securing of our position in the top 21 block producers means that the Eurno project is now officially providing further passive income to fund our intended charitable ventures.

Beta Test Progress

Our beta test has been fully completed today and we are pleased to say that the basis of the dApp works perfectly. With that said, the beta test has provided me with vital feedback regarding the claim procedure and how we can improve it to make it easier for the general public.

The amendments are expected to be complete before the end of next week and we expect to publicly release all the beta test reports by Monday 18th June 2018. we are currently waiting for the final reports to be returned.

Bitcointalk ANN Thread & Github

Since the last post we have also taken the time to create an official announcement thread on Bitcointalk, and created an official Github.

The announcement thread will, hopefully, assist with raising awareness about the project while the Github will provide a hub for the public who wish to inspect our code.

It should be noted that the source code to our self claim dApp will be made open source through our Github when the airdrop has been fully concluded.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62639.70
ETH 2439.41
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64