Support for education, STEM and astronomy in Turkey.

in #charity6 years ago

As some of you may remember, for the past 4 years I've been supporting education and promoting Science within the Middle East.
Some of the projects that I manage are aimed for the Syrian Refugees in an effort to help them return home and rebuild.

Recently I was able to reboot the Astronomy lessons for Refugee kids in Ankara. You're probably wondering "Why Astronomy?" Well, in my opinion, Astronomy has the ability to get people interested in other sciences, some call Astronomy a Gateway Science in that it draws people into the sciences. It also has the capacity to bring people together.
You do not need much to get into Astronomy and can pretty much do it anywhere at night.

These pictures are of the latest event. Although it ran during the day, lessons were given to the Syrian Kids. We were also briefly able to do a bit of Solar Observation.

Ready for Astronomy.jpg
Ready for Solar Observation.

Astro lessons (1).jpg
Lesson on the topic of our Solar System.

Observatory (2).jpg
Telescope time. Getting ready for our Observations!

The end of the lesson

My hope is to expand these sort of science lessons and to include other STEM subjects, even though these projects are very successful and are growing. I am struggling to get support to continue let alone expand these projects.

People in the Middle East need to become science literate, to learn there's more to life and that they can become involved in Science.

Please feel free to comment below, like and share this post! Let me know your thoughts about these sort of project and if you know of any way in which I can get help to continue them.


Hi Dave, the astronomy teaching project does sound extremely interesting and very worthwhile.

I host a radio show every Friday on MSP Waves called The Alternative Lifestyle Show. The show covers homesteading, prepping, homeschooling, tiny houses, renewable energy etc.

I wondered if you would like to come on the show as a guest sometime?

If you check my profile you will see links to recordings of previous shows if you would like to listen to one.

Host of the My Life in 8 Songs and The Alternative Lifestyle Show radio shows on MSP Waves

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.


Hi Dave, astronomy is a fascinating subject. In Leicestershire, we seem to have some big skies (an illusion, I know), but it is great to go a little way outside the city where there are no street lights on a clear night. I can recognise one or two constellations, but it's more the experience of the starry night I enjoy. I've re-steemed, good luck with your project.

Thanks @shanibeer . Leicestershire is a beautiful area, I've sadly not been there since about 2002. I agree about the starry night experience, I think every kid in the uk needs to experience as it puts things into perspective. :D

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