TIL: The word TrichotillomaniasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #changing8 years ago (edited)


Been doing it for years, but didn't know there was a name for it.

I feel like I'm uncovering myself to Steemit when putting this vertically on screen, because disorders in general are, like a phobia or a sexual fetish for example, are inherently very personal in nature.

The Learning Experience

Today, was very special, not only in a U.S. presidential-wise sense, but also on a very personal level for me.

The TIL acronym or the entire post, even if it would occupy the whole of the biggest possible blockchain on the planet runned by all of the computers of the world, can in no way do justice to the amount of learning that came up my way today.

Strange Day

It was one of those strange days which happen a dime a dozen. While I have been oversleeping for much of my holidays' entire week of time off work, my usual exact opposite of small doses sleeping has kicked back for about the last week's time of back to work.

And today, it feels like I'm in trance. You know, the type when it's like you could do an entire day of non-stop automatic writing.

This how and when I was able to resolve the biggest amount of internal conflicts, I ever did in my entire life. Of course, I must not be naive and set the bar too high, so to fall from dizzying height if I were to stumble on my changing ways. But I feel very confident in keeping at bay my sometimes clashing opposite interests.

A revelation took place today. Not exactly in the religious sense of the term, but it could also be said to be of the type. Depends on your spiritual preferences. Whether you present yourself as being agnostic or adhering to a particular faith, we all experience from times to times these extreme moments of clarity.

I will skip you the down-to-earth details of working career choices, places to live or relationships, because when you reach that kind of nirvana state of mind, it's not those specific details that matter but instead that very feeling of stopping the illusions one projects for his own self. It's an Eureka moment of understanding and joy, emerging as an outburst resulting from a long accumulation of anxiety that had no place else to go but to be flushed out.

Late New Year's resolutions

So, armed with my fresh, lowered because just emptied, level of stress, I decided to finally take my reported New Year's resolutions. Now mind being centered with body, thinking the desire changes came in as really easy.

One of those correction of life's ways, was my trichotillomania.

Like you will get to hear around here: ''kossé que ça mange en hiver''? (what does it eat during winter season?)

It eats hair?!

The image evoked is of an animal eating hair on a cold winter's day, but the reality is that of a human pulling hair out of it's own body.

This is what I do on a daily basis when reading in front of my screen or watching TV. The result being I end up with full spots, with less or close to none hair, right in the middle of way much more furnished regions of my body. I mostly do this to my beard, so I must shave often so that my face won't look like a field recently visited by aliens who left crop circles.

Thing is, it's not something for me only out of habit to release tension. I love doing it! The ultimate prize for me is to catch one with its root, they are not all like that. Most of the times I probably just cut it somewhere along. But the cool exception is when I have one in my hand making the shape of a comet with its following tail! And let me you in on another secret of mine: I even take the time to appreciate my exploit, by looking at it through light in the dark, with satisfaction as if I had catch a fishing contest trophy!

Another modification for the new me: no stupid ''can I excuse myself?'' endings.


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