On the Necessity of Cultivating Morality from the Perspective of Classical Literature从经典论修德的必要性

in #changelast month

Zhouyi Kun Chu Liu: Step on frost, and ice will come. A family that accumulates good will surely have more blessings. A family that accumulates evil will surely have more disasters. It means that the development of things comes gradually. When I see the bleak autumn frost, I know that the cold winter is coming soon. Lao Tzu said that the highest good is like water, which has two meanings. First, water is willing to be low, benefiting all things without competing. Second, water follows the trend. Is water always weak? That's not the case. Autumn frost kills, and ice hides. Being always weak will lead to the opposite extreme. Later, there was a saying that the good are lenient and the evil are strict. If you are an evil person, congratulations on winning the prize. Think carefully about it and it is in line with the way of heaven. For the evil, it is just a ban or snow.
Sometimes, the evil people seem to be alive and well, and everyone thinks that the cause and effect relationship does not exist. In fact, this is caused by the mixture of good and evil. Karma is like fruits that mature at different times, some are sweet and some are bitter, some are tasteless, and some are poisonous. So don't lose faith in cultivating virtue, this is a way to save yourself. In addition, there is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. I mentioned that offering food and releasing animals both require a process to see the effect. I released five fish, and then I came back and lay on the bed thinking: Why haven't I become rich yet? This will make the wise laugh.
What is virtue? An action and thought that conforms to the laws of nature. There are many types, and it should be a comprehensive quality. Summarizing from the laws of nature and society is a kind of knowledge learning. Seeing that the heaven has the virtue of loving life, we release animals, and seeing that the earth has the virtue of tolerance, we are tolerant. Of course, like many religions, kindness is the basic element. This question involves a wide range of aspects, and I can't explain it. The ancient Chinese also had many explanations, and there were also explanations of morality and ethics. There are also explanations from the five elements, such as the saying that chickens have five virtues.
Why should we cultivate virtue? The most basic reason is that respecting the laws will make you live better.

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