Typical people of India who ruin the beauty of India #this is shameful!

in #change7 years ago


I have faced this situation on this 16august when I was travelling to New Delhi from my hometown by super fast Indian local train..

This is a shameful post just because of those people who don't even give space to other people so that others can even stand... They just sleep on floor of local train coach...
I mean how they can do this even they started arguing with me when me and my brother tried to board the coach... Those people had occupied the whole seats reserved for ladies too. I saw that those guys were sitting on those seats and ladies were sitting on the floor because they didn't got those ladies reserved seats... That's so shameful stuff about these type of cheap people... Who ruin the beauty of India ... who don't respect women... What if some tourist were there and had faced this situation what impact he will get from this situation...
Just because of those type of typical people I don't like the system why guards don't do their duty all the time so that everyone can follow the rules and regulations...


I'm sharing this stuff because I want to make a change.. I want that people will raise the voice to show that one voice can become the voice of thousands of people who will support the system to make a change...


I hope you all will support my effort to make a change in every city who face this kind of situation... I just want to make my city beautiful with my every single effort, every single post to change the thinking of everyone to make it a better place...
-- Gulshann Saini


The trains just need more guards !

That's terrible...

@gulshannsaini, you see and act with your heart. This is a very honorable and noble. Your country will always shine brightly in my eyes because of you. ;)

Those are so kind words... Well I do what I think is right to do to make our world better place. And If we always stay calm to wait other powerful people will take action about it then how we will make the change. Because I know powerful people don't always take actions about this kind of things so I think people should take some steps atleast whatever they can.. I'm doing what I can do.

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