Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes! Good, Bad or Indifferent — Change Happens!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #change5 years ago

As I "woke up" my computer this morning, I sat there and listened to the persistent "binging" of about six different apps/software letting me know that "An Update Is Available!"

It got me to thinking about change... and that old truism that "The only constant in life is CHANGE."

This pretty much hasn't changed in 5,000 years....

Resistance to Change

Recently, we had changes here in our community, as the "Social Front End" where we create content and interact was split off from the "Wallet Functions" of Steem.

It seemed to upset quite a few people; some folks even seemed to be quite thrown off their "routines" by this new development... which got me to thinking about resistance to change.

I must confess that I am mostly somewhat resistant to change, primarily because I tend to be a slow learner and so I feel like I am eternally investing lots of time and energy in learning something new... and just about the time when I finally have the hang of things... they just change again.

So my resistance to change tendencies are tied to excessive change making me feel like I live is a constant state of marginal competence.

Springtime.... brings changes

Conscious vs. Meaningless Change

I have previously bellyached about the pervasive "push updates" software apps insist on pushing on you, four times a day (it seems).

It's just obsessive and weird, to me. Reminds me of the old practice of doing things primarily for the purpose of externally demonstrating that you are doing your job even though you are not actually doing much.

It's "change, for its own sake," rather than "change, with a purpose."

In a different scenario, I know lots of people coming into our local art gallery/shop, and they sometimes visit weekly with the eternal quest "What's new, what's new, what's NEW?"

I look at "change" and I look at "newness" and fail to see how they have any value as standalone concepts, absent a deeper reason for their existence. And yet? Many people's lives seem totally guided by change and newness.

In that sense, I am resistant...

Where is your boat sailing to?

Change and Boredom

Don't get me wrong — I am not resistant to what I consider real change; deliberate or conscious change that happens because it will authentically help people or things, or will substantially and materially improve some process.

And I'm all in favor of those, even if they majorly screw up my life and slow me down for a while, while I learn how to use them.

But I guess "personality" also figures into the mix, in some ambiguous way.

I remember once going on one of my rants about the ridiculousness of people's seeming addictions to "New And Improved!!!" and the friend I was talking to at the time asked an interesting question:

"Were you ever bored as a kid?"

Magenta rhododendron...

By the time I had spent almost 30 seconds not being able to think of a single time I was ever bored, my friend observed "There's your answer, right there."

As a 58-year old adult, I struggle to think of why I would ever be bored... but age has also taught me that many people are wired in such a way that unless their lives are like the inside of a pinball machine during a "multi-ball burst" they grow bored and restless.

And hence... eternal changes.

Still, whereas I can appreciate that perspective — and even recognize that it tends to reflect the majority paradigm in our world — I still prefer to keep change at the level of necessity, rather than "entertainment."

Even if that means people think I'm getting old...

Thanks for reading!

How about YOU? How do you feel about change? Love it? Or leave it? Do you enjoy new simply because it's NEW? Or do you prefer changes and newness only when they have a distinct purpose? Were you easily bored when you were a kid? How about now? Do you feel you need change to keep you from stagnating? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

Power House Creatives _night mode.png

(As always, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 190411 16:16 PST



Nothing stays the same, there are always endings and beginnings. I think that we just need to make the best of them!

In general, I'd agree with that. Personally, I prefer to choose and time my changes, but these days it seems like a lot of them have been coming at me at the pace set by the universe....

Resistance is futile! You know that! Having said that, change can be good. Being attached to the military has made me learn to change for the better good, even if it doesn't directly affect me.

I will say that change does not bother me as much if it has a purpose, and if the learning curve isn't a high-wire Act. When I first looked at steam it almost a year before I joined, I looked at it and didn't know what to do or who to ask anything and I left and didn't come back for another year. Of course oh, now, I'm sorry, however it just wasn't happening.

Change for the sake of changing or making it new or or is not something that I appreciate you because it takes me awhile to relearn, mostly because it's not only this but it's many other things and they all want to change if it has anything to do with the cyber world. And I agree with you that just for I learned something they change the rules. However, I'm hanging in there and I suppose I'll be one of those that whine a little bit when they change something else again, especially when I don't see the sense of it. I have to believe that they know what they're doing and it is in fact for the better good.

Let me be clear ( I need to really change the way I write and be a little bit more specific and organized) I really I'm not opposed to change however I want to change to be necessary and not just for fun or for the heck of it or just because I can. Thank you once again for your Insight and pointing out the obvious, that is usually not so obvious.


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I guess we all should adapt to change. Everything in the world will always be consistently changing. Thanks for sharing this and have a great day!

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