Taking Chance

in #chance6 years ago

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Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

Some times when I look around and see the things happening, it makes me to begin to question If there is really a God or things just happen by chance on its own 👉. I remember when I was much younger, just a week to Easter, our church was preparing for the Easter retreat and everyone was expected to gather at the church headquarters to join the publicity train 🚉 . There was this brother named Charlie, very serious and sound when it comes to the things of God! He told me about the publicity that afternoon by 4pm at the church headquarters... Reaching that time, I forgot about the publicity...i was returning back from visiting my friends when I saw Charlie walking 🚶 towards me . At first I was trying to cook up some stories to tell him for not keeping to time... But as we came together, he told me he won't be waiting for me... And I should hurry home change my clothes and meet him at the headquarters! I was happy and I ran back home to change-up.. I never Knew that was my last time Seeing Charlie!
I got home hurrying to change-up few minutes later I was told the publicity train 🚉 had left.
I was sad 🐙but at least I learnt a lesson next time I will prepare earlier to catch up with the train.
Charlie joined the wrong train and he was lost forever up till date, No words from Charlie.
Then I kept asking myself this question ..what if I had gone with Charlie what would have happened?? 🤐
I still haven't gotten an answer to this question.
I think chance don't just happen for happening sake it happens for a reason.

This post is dedicated in memorial of Charlie and Late Mrs Babatunde

Todays quote of the day: Embrace life, for we only live once.

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