people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning

in #chance7 years ago

Many people may have different opinion for how to achieve success in their life.Some people might think that success in life can be achieved from taking risks or chances. However,Personally, I believe that success comes in their life with careful planning.For me , this means to achieve success in life, people have to set decent activities, very good objectives and have to set goals to fit for that success.

First of all, I think that people have to make plan for doing decent activities.Among many important ladder for achieving success in life , listing of activities first then doing accordingly is very crucial. I find that,it is important to do right thing in right place.We can imagine that without decent performance it is perhaps impossible to achieve any type of success. So , for our desired success in life , we have to face it in the real world and do it really rather than day dreaming.

In addition to planning of decent activities, they need to set the objective to reach in certain goal first.Like setting excellent bottom level minor activities, we have to set middle level activities well in hand to reach in certain goal.For example, if we have to graduate from college with excellence result , we have to know the syllabus first then have to prepare themselves in that matter and develop fluency on them and master on it. As a result of hard work, at last we can get desired result.

Finally, in combination of planning of proper activities and setting right objectives, we have to think about the outstanding goal to achieve the desired success. Even-though goal setting is crucial, without doing action in the field, it is perhaps impossible to achieve it. For example, my friend Sita did excellent job by completing her degree with her application of her plan as she thought.She made it possible because of her determination towards the achievement of her success by really doing her planned activities in timely manner in the actual condition.

By way of conclusion, in considering success in life, I have explored some issues like planning from the very initial level means we have to consider from setting very small activities first.Then we need to think slightly upper level things such as setting suitable objectives and then adding for certain reliable goals.Thus , we can achieve our goal with determined and real application of these plan in real our life.Considering these above mentioned facts I would have to say that planning is and application is very significant for making success in life.
It's a highly debated issue whether the success in life comes from taking risks or chances or results from careful planning.This topic can be approached from several angles due to it's complexity. Some people tend to agree that it's true , but others would disagree. Deep deliberating on the issue , personally , i believe that, the success in life comes from taking risks or chances. The following discussion reveals my view.

The first exquisite reason is that, without taking risk , many things hadn't been discovered. For example, Columbia took risk to discover the world. So without him , we couldn't discover the world. Furthermore his insisting to do such risky things lead him to success, to reach the top, and to get his dream.

The second reason deserves some world, risk is way to improve oneself, a way to broaden one's horizon. many people haven't try adventure or risks so they have been still in the same spot all over their life without advancement , in contrast to those who are taking chances. For example, many people went to the planet other than the Earth, they wanted to discover whether there is a life on it or not, those people are doing that to bring benefits to the Earth's people, to their country and to themselves as well.

Third, the chances are coming two or three times in the whole life, so the success people who are taking advantages from these limited chances. Moreover , the success is what ? is when the opportunity meets the risky challenges. In addition, many people have been reached their target by using their chances well. For example , many scientists were simple people , but when the chances came to them meet with their risky challenges very well, and then they discovered many Biological, Psychological theories and so forth.

In conclusion, according to the arguments mentioned above , i firmly concur that, the success comes by taking risks and chances. Because it's worthwhile and specious to the people's future.

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