DAY TWENTY FOUR of the 30 days writing challenge from @dragosroua — freaking friday!

in #challenge30days7 years ago (edited)

14th of July | 1035 words | 5 minutes to read

this is part of a 30 day writing project i’m taking part in, you should check it out, so many awesome posts. if not stated some of my photos are from unsplash a free site for images, also you can grab some cool images from a site i run with @dayleeo to get pictures out of the camera roll and onto the web

man i was up EARLY today, 6:30am - i’ve got all my little chores done for the day, replaced the water, emptied the cassette toilet, done the few pots and now at 8am i’m doing my breakfast, after this, another trek to chill down a little, see if i nap and then at the computer for just after 9am! - on point! :)

gonna write until my omelette is cooked, totally crushed this morning, i kinda knew deep down i had to attack today, get those things out of the way before the day started, but this is awesome. i’ve not got up early in a while so refreshing to get up and out and get the tasks / chores done before the day really starts, before people are around and not to have that nagging in the background that i have to stop and do it — breakfast now, and i’ll be back to todays post after! :)

oh man, i could smash that kinda breakfast this morning, i just had eggs thou, all i’ve got in the ‘van today i’m afraid for breakfast, still. had a cup of tea, breakfast and that little sprint this morning of getting things done has set me up for the day instead of wasting a few hours in gearing up to actually work, it’s now 9am and the ‘normals’ start there day. i can hear the soft low hum of tractors pulling vans into place for the rabble of the weekend masses, the part timers, the ‘bring everything we own from home’ posse. them, the people, the masses.

today should be a little more chilled than the rest of the week, made great progress yesterday with the OBS course, i even started writing out the post ahead of time because that’s going to be around 36 timed links for the three hour youtube video so i might as well start getting that done, reminds me i get a payout on sunday from skillshare, awesome. think i’ll treat myself to some beers for sunday night and maybe a nice breakfast too, it’s also the day i have to upgrade my internet every month — get another unlimited 4g pack for the month to keep my connected, probably a good idea to swap out the sim as well, i do it as routine, keeps things fresh and i don’t like having a tied subscriber data record — keep it moving! :)

i still very much miss using the co-working in a nearby city, that gigabit connection was EVERYTHING and the ideal would be that i had an office with at least two mining rigs hooked up to it as well as a simple green screen set for gaming. can you imagine? i’d be able to do that 4k live stream with no dropouts. it would be glorious, i can see it now! :)

from acorns, trees can grow

i noticed last night that i had rolled over to 600+ followers, 600 steam power and levelled up to 57 (yay, go me) — it felt good, felt like momentum, steps forward, i’ve always enjoyed blogging but now it’s tied to a number of things that keep my motivated — sure i want to level up and get more curation rewards in the pursuit of getting more awareness and funds for what i put out there but it was so much more than that.

none of any of the blog hosting services i’ve ever used have ever been as animated, more accepting, more open, easy, stress free to use than steemit. i realise we only have what, 250k of users here but those users are active, maybe a good solid army of really intent writers, 10k or so sharing value, connecting to each other, aware of each other, leaving comments, following, sharing, adding to the conversation. i never had that on wordpress at all, it was dead most of the day and it was super frustrating to constantly admin these things, i had that centralised so that made it easier but i realise now i was spending more time on the look that the content.

i can feel the momentum building to action, i feel moves are going to be made in the next few months leading up to the new year, new year, new starts, new gear, new horizons, new heights even (cryptic!) — i can feel my wanderlust soul calling out for travel, to get up into the clouds again, it’s been so long that i’ve been on a plane, boat, travelled distance in a car or a train (although i will go to birmingham at the end of this month for a steemian meet up) the itch is starting to manifest again. wish me luck to build up resources to make those trips enjoyable — i’ll share them here! :)



new heights. I see you. Congrats on zee 57! good number <3

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