DAY ELEVEN of the 30 days writing challenge from @dragosroua — saturday afternoon cool down.

1st of July | 1208 words | 6 minutes to read

this is part of a 30 day writing project i’m taking part in, you should check it out, so many awesome posts. if not stated some of my photos are from unsplash a free site for images, also you can grab some cool images from a site i run with @dayleeo to get pictures out of the camera roll and onto the web

whoa, i’d been watching the days left till the end of the month but the last few days just went real quick and here we are on the 1st of july, smack bang in the middle of the year, that came around quick right? feels like i’m running backwards on an elevator that has 2x going forward.

good afternoon lovely people of steemit and beyond. it’s just nearly 1pm in the afternoon here in slightly overcast but still relatively warm afternoon, typing away from the van, door open with the fly screen across, both fans on circulating fresh air, bed all a mess, fuzzy head after usual interrupted sleep because my daughter treats the bed like an activity centre when she’s a sleep — the girl practically sleeps in a diagonal so i’m on the edge of the bed like i’m hang on for my life on the cliff edge. not the best sleep so today is going to be fairly relaxed i think, bit of gaming, some admin and cleaning, slow busy work. the stuff you do at weekends that make the week seem more important and business like. silly but true! :)

saturday can be a weird day for me. i had been taking my daughter over to my mums every week and we would have brunch or dinner and so i would have extra time with my daughter, see my mum, have dinner, feel tired from the food and crash when i got home. in recent weeks because of the car being off the road i’m not able to go. when usual activities change in my life it tends to make me focus on why they have changed, in this instance why i’ve still not got my act together with regularly putting money aside to maintain things like the car.

i can only put it down to a few things my mental clarity, ability to work and access to work and income distribution, i’m terrible at saving for things that are far away, i’ve always been an ebb and edge towards something person, when things go great i can sometimes do things in one go but it’s rare. switching to being a more save and sustain person i’ve found is difficult but something i need to learn and adapt too.

it should be added that since the new year it’s been very much a survival part two kind of a year and only up until recently had additional income strands, i’m glad i put the effort in last year to making courses on skillshare as that’s help me have direction at the middle of each month, balancing my mental health and focus take as much work as the work sometimes.

the soundtrack to your life.

when i picked up my daughter from school yesterday she come beaming out of the school with a big smile on her face, she had put her mp3 player i bought her for her birthday on and she was bopping away. she loves that thing, i filled it with a variety of current and eclectic so she has a broad base to work from, she’s just consuming it so much, she loves it. today while heading back to mums she said i love just being able to close my eyes and hear the words. it made me smile, watching her develop tastes and understanding her senses more makes me happy. it’s like watching a plant grow and the leaves unravelling into bloom. i’m doing the best i can with the resource i have, i think that’s all you can ask of any parent.

i’ve got incredible support from overseas with my partner @dayleeo, not the same as having her here thou and i know at times she could do with a hug to complete the day (me too!) and i’m glad i get to have that hug with my daughter each week as it recharges my energy and focus just a little to keep pushing, it’s easy to be either side of the curve, the one going up and the one that slippery slope down. it’s a battle of positivity, you can choose to recharge and go again or just sit with the blink cursor light of inactivity in life. you can exist or you can live and thrive.

it takes action, decision to push through, to take a deep breath and hit that spinning entrance door on life. just wish i could get out of the spinning door, i seem to be stuck inside that hotel in star trek where going out of the door keeps bringing you back inside, at least i’ve got an inside to go too thou instead of the pavement.

chipping away, creativity wins.

15 days till a skillshare payment, money for another 30 days of internet access, waiting on the price of steem it to go up before i exchange to a fiat currency i can use to buy physical food supplies, get fuel, sustain the human shell, everything is on a calendar date. it’s easy to just sit and wait for those days to arrive. i’ve found the best way is to make more calendar days count, have more days when things are going to happen, have things to chip away towards, build things that trigger events you never expected and build out those creative ideas in the downtime moments.

creativity has always been like a best friend to me, i’m not sure why i love to express it so much, while i feel artistic in applying my own flavour on it, maybe i’m still surprised about how amazing these tools are, what we have access to, what we get to play with, how we are able to truly influence and express something over long distances, how it can mean so many things to so many different kinds of people on a planet that is growing in population explosion every single day. my plan today is simple. ..

gaming, making graphics, building out a new live streaming stage for moonbase, maybe map out and write out some of the notes for the next few episodes of my multiple series i’m doing (man, i can’t tell you how much i love to share that stuff) and watch some trek, i’ve got granola, strawberries and banana ready in the fridge, coffee in the pot and the day is wide open, pretty sure we will see some napping in the hammock today. ..



Yayayaya! Good to take time out, thank you for teaching me that, still not quite got the hang of It but we'll get there 💕

You don't have to go home but you can't stay here !

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