Take your time, rank your priority, feel the Inspiration

in #challenge30days8 years ago

Looking from outside, may be looking like I am just struggling to create idea's in order to post for the challenge. Thats not completly true, it is true that I am thinking more than once a day, what to write today. I really want to accomplish this #challenge30days to prove myself, that it is always possible to find or create the time to write daily. Just as @sumsum is doing and publishing interesting daily poems ( #jedentageingedicht )

Actually no one can say, I have no time. We all have the 24 hour's in a day. It depend's how you rank your priority.

So, inspired by @sumsum I felt committed to hold on and keep writing.
This time in german.

Inspiration #3 - Inspiration coming from past

I nsgeheim, so wahr mir mein Gedanke sprach
N icht aufzugeben, wenn auch
S elbst von Zeit zu Zeit
P lötzlich alle Ideen
I nnehalten.
R annten,
A uch schon gesehen
T ief und kilometerweit
I nnere Inspirationen der Vergangenheit
O hne Vorankündigung, komplett aus dem Bauch
N immt keine Rücksicht und macht ein Riesenkrach

Translated meaning (without rhyme and formation):
Secretly, as my thoughts talked to me
Do not give up, though
Even from time to time
Suddenly all the ideas
are gone.
They ran,
I have already seen
Deep and miles
Inner inspirations of the past
Without advance notice, by the seat of one's pants
Takes no consideration and makes a huge noise (and appears).



DER START IST IMMER AM SCHWERSTEN . viel erfolg bei der 30 tage challange.

Not bad - thanks for the positive.

Great Idea and keep up with the challange :)

Thanks for motivation :=)

No problem bud :)

Weiter so, Viel erfolg bei der Challange

Danke dir auch :)

Sehr sehr gut! Schön, dass du auch dabei bist und das Gedicht ist sehr schön :)

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