Spiderwort Can Detect Radioactivity ~ Natures Geiger Counter

in #challenge30days7 years ago (edited)

Spiderwort From My Oregon Herb Garden

Ionizing radiation - Chromosomal damage

Back in 2011 Japan Fukushima nuclear disaster happened. The world was in shock and freaking out and so were we over on the Pacific Northwest Coast. A 9.2 earthquake literally tilted our earths axis. The ensuing tsunami destroyed coastal cities and Fukushima Nuclear power plants. Fukushima Nuclear Disaster | Increased Thyroid Cancer in U.S.

A pack of 14 potassium iodide pills costing $14.00 were selling on eBay for $350 dollars. My husband and I were living in Eugene Oregon at the time. I immediately thought of our thyroid health and went on eBay to buy some potassium iodide and was blown away at the skyrocketing prices. You only need these tablets if you are hit with extreme amounts of radiation. You are only allowed to take the tablets for a short amount of time. Too much iodine will destroy the thyroid rather than protect it. It's one of those minerals we can't live without but only need small amounts for our endocrine system to function correctly. There is a toxic form of iodine that is radioactive given off by nuclear bombs and nuclear power plants that destroy our thyroid. Potassium Iodide protects the thyroid from damage. Thank goodness this type of radiation has a short life.

Panic Buying After Fukushima Nuclear Plants Are Damaged

We didn't experience a huge radioactive cloud like I was afraid of but we are now experiencing ongoing doses of low grade radiation from Fukushima dumping radioactive coolant waste water into the Pacific ocean and the meltdown of core materials polluting ground water years after this horrible accident. Japan is so far away but as the wind blows radiation can hitch a ride on dust particles taken up by cloud formations and the Pacific oceans currents, eventually reach the Pacific West Coast and the rest of America.

However, the corporate news said we had nothing to worry about. But I don't trust the corporate news. So I went over to my health-food store and bought some iodine made from seaweed and started taking a prescribed dose every day and made my husband do the same. I told all my relatives to start taking daily iodine supplements as well. During my initial research I found out that daily iodine doses increase IQ, protect the thyroid and general health of our endocrine system. So in a small way the disaster brought new insights for increasing health and well being.

Six Years Of Fukushima: Six Lessons

I also bought some Spiderwort seeds to plant that summer in my herb garden. When radiation rides the winds it doesn't fall evenly, it falls in sporadic patches here an there. I thought if I planted spiderwort all over my little hobby farm I could detect radiation without having to buy those expensive radiation detectors that were selling on eBay along with the expensive iodine pills. My Spiderwort plants grew like crazy, almost 3 foot tall with tons of flowers. Non of my flowers stamens, the male reproductive part of a flower turned pink after the Fukushima disaster. Radioactive fallout does not fall like rain, it falls in clumps. So I would need to plant spiderwort all over my two acre hobby farm to monitor radioactive fallout. How to grow and care for you Spiderwort

The corporate news kept reassuring us that all was well during Japan's horrible earthquake and nuclear disaster, however corporate news has a bad reputation regarding following governments and corporate sponsors agenda and it's own bottom line. Spring arrived, I planted my garden and also my spiderwort seeds. The plants grew like weeds and I was impressed with the plants vigor and beauty. The spiderwort plant is indigenous to the East and Midwest Plains of America

In Situ Monitoring With Tradescantia Around Nuclear Power Plants.

Definition: In situ; often not italicized in English is a Latin phrase that translates literally to "on site"

Tradescantia is the Latin name for Spiderwort.

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

some_text A link to My Blog


Really interesting. This is the type of stuff I appreciate. But also, scary times!!! And those profiting from health issues. 😠

Profiting from fear is the most powerful tool markets have. Research and education inoculates us from their manufactured fear and ignorance. Thank you @onetree🙏

Indeed. Still makes me angry/sad.

Wow this is fascinating! I looked into this disaster a lot last year, and couldn't believe how little information was being covered in some of the mainstream media sources. Thanks for sharing!

The small coverage of nuclear reactors core meltdown just confirms my suspicions regarding corporate news manipulating our reality😏

it's such a racket!!! god, makes me feel so upset. bleh!!! Spiderwort eh??? I'm totally not familiar with it, but that's wild. I actually came over here to ask if you'd mind saying hi to my friend Lily, Reddust, she just made her first Steem post, and I want her to meet some steem folk that she'll find inspiring.

she's a wonderful wild Appalachia forest garden mama, and I don't want her to think Steem is just lots of crypto nerds ! THANKYOU !!!

Thank you @itchykitten, I'll head over to Lily's blog and say hello. Someday I would love to explore the wilds of Appalachia, I here there is great beauty and energy in that forest.

thank you RedDust!!! I super appreciate it, I'm so happy Lily got to brush noses with of the wonderful ladies on Steemit!!! maybe she'll stay =)

yeah!!! i definitely want to explore and get to know some of the wilds in that part of world more...it's crazy beautiful

Yes, agreed :)

I'm 46 years old and I remember the fear after Chernobyl disaster. At now, some doctors are studying the effects of that disaster after many years, for example many Italian people who live in my region have thyroid problems (as me) and my doctor said me that thare are some studies that say it can be for the Chernobyl effects. :(

I've read about health problems from Chernobyl, I often wondered if that was why Evie my granddaughter was born early. The fatigue from a dysfunctional thyroid is horrible, menopause also impacts thyroid health so I've tried to stay on a diet that helps my endocrine system stay healthy and balanced.

To stay on a diet that helps your endocrine system is very good, @reddust ! I'm on a diet from 4 years, I don't have problems to follow this diet because is similar to my "diet" before to discover my thyroid disfunction, maybe it's for this that I have just a "soft" dysfunction .

So great to learn about spiderwort, I'm going to plant some asap! I believe that this radiation is worst here on the west coast, but this earth is round and all water travels so it's worldwide. Miso is great for helping the body's resilience in the face of radiation as well.

For all of the technology that the world can offer, natural often offers better and less expensive solutions.

Thanks for sharing! Glad you all are safe.

Thank you @sumatranate, nature is very subtle and powerful, humans think they can rule over her and our hubris is slowly killing us. I hope we can wake up from this crazy destructive technological prison we are living in.

After the Chernobyl disaster happened, even people in counties like Sweden were advised to take iodine. Amazing flower; thank you for posting @reddust!

I read the windcurrents carried radioactive dust particles all over the world. I love spiderwort, it's a great addition to gardens and lines walkways with 2 foot tall green growth.

Very interesting reading. What, if anything, can you tell us about your feelings for expanding the use of nuclear power in the US?

Also, did you ever detect any radiation using this method?

None of the stamens turned pink, we lived up in the Northeast foothills of the Cascades by the city of Eugene. But the flowers can change color from other pollutants like exhaust fumes from cars.

I think Nuclear power is unsustainable because of waste storage issues, high cost of production and mantainence of nuclear facilities. Whats bothers me is the business is very dirty and wasteful, extracting 1% of the energy from Uranium, Thorium, Plutonium, fuels. The energy held in our nuclear waste disposal units could power the United States energy grid for hundreds of years. As the so called storage for wasted fuel in the United are decaying and polluting the surrounding area with radioactive runoff.


OK, just trying to get this straight. You think that because the stamens never turned pink, that means that radioactivity was detected. Please correct me if I have that wrong.

Was it detected everywhere you planted?

I thought my writing was clear, forgive me, no radiation was detected from the plants. The stamens did not turn pink. This is my challenge for the next 30 days to write articles that are difficult for me to write, I'm sorry that my writing abilities are not very good. I do not know of the actual radiation levels in my area.

I think you have done well enough. It has triggered my curiosity anyway. No apologies needed and thanks for answering my questions!

Very interesting article

The stamen-hair system ofTradescantia flower colour has proven to be one of the most suitable materials to study the frequency o f mutations induced by low doses o f various ionizing radiations and chemical mutagens. The system has also been used successfully for detecting mutagenic synergisms among chemical mutagens and ionizing radiations as well as for studying the variations o f spontaneous mutation frequency. In this study of radiobiology, the main objective is to observe somatic mutation (occurrence o f pink cells from blue cells) induced on stamen hairs of five Tradescantia sp. available in Malaysia after exposure to low doses o f chronic gamma irradiation using Gamma Green House. Pink cells appeared only on Tradescantia Pallida Purpurea stamen hairs after 13 days o f exposure to irradiation with different doses o f gamma rays.

"A pack of 14 potassium iodide pills costing $14.00 were selling on eBay for $350 dollars"

Always some weasels looking to profit off of panic! Fukushima is such a disaster; and it will never be fixed

That's why I think nuclear power is unsustainable.😏

Awesome post! thanks for the spiderwort info! and the Potassium iodine info too! 100%er from me

I keep a couple of bottles in our emergency bags just in case. Be prepared not scared🙏

yuhuuuu first comment :p

keeep it up mommm @reddust

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