How practicing gratitude every day rewires our brains - in a good way

in #challenge30days7 years ago

A while ago I heard about the importance of practicing gratitude on a daily basis. But you know, like with almost all the good advice we hear, I said "yeah, that would be nice" and then I reverted back to my usual ways.

But one day I decided I was going to give this a try and actually do it.

And for 30 days I kept a daily journal of things I was grateful for each day. Each night before going to sleep I would write down a minimum of 3 things I felt grateful for. I would write about anything, from a moment spent barefoot on the grass to a lovely dinner with friends.

Whatever positive thing that came to my mind, it got on that list.

And then I let it fade away and I forgot about it.

A few days ago I started thinking about what I would like to share here next time I post, something that would be uplifting, inspiring and beneficial?

And I remembered about this gratitude practice.

So I set myself up to share here on Steemit 3 things I am grateful for that happened recently.

The moment I decided I was going to share this here, I noticed that my mind started to look for things to be grateful for.

And this, my friends, is one of the main benefits of practicing gratitude: you train your mind to stop focusing on the negative stuff and look for the bright side.

So to end this with real examples, here are my 3 things I feel grateful for. They didn't all happen today, but they are very recent:

1 I feel grateful for the opportunity I had to learn about the Blue Ocean Strategy today, at work. We had a guest coming over who taught us the basics of the Blue Ocean Strategy and I felt very inspired and grateful for the way he presented it, in a fun, light and engaging way. I felt my neurons firing in new ways, so to speak, and I felt very grateful for being in this meeting with a few of my wonderful co-workers.


Photo by Jonas Verstuyft on Unsplash

2 I feel grateful for this watermelon that one of my colleagues bought and then he also nicely prepared it for us to eat it a few days ago.

It was simply delicious and I felt grateful for being spoiled with such a treat and such great colleagues who do these kinds of things. ;) Plus we're experiencing some intense heat these days in Bucharest, so eating watermelon is highly beneficial.


3 I feel grateful for the encounter with this beautiful cat after a long time. I used to pass by the place where this cat hangs out almost every day last year. But since I changed my workplace, I changed my route, so I didn't see her anymore. A few days ago I had to pass by the same route and I remembered to look for this cat. And surprise, she was still there and not sleeping this time, like she usually did on our previous encounters.
Here she is:

So these are my 3 things I feel grateful for today. What do you feel grateful for today?

Let me know in the comments below.

And if you enjoyed this post, remember to give it some Steemit love with un UpSteem and a resteem :)

Hi, I'm Raluca. I've studied communication and psychology, and I'm currently working as a copywriter. You can find me mainly on my blog at BeingRaluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening, sexuality and many more. Here on Steemit you can follow me @raluca.



Inspiring I do love your post. I am greatful this morning for the amazing colleagues that joined be to a beer yesterday evening, for the safe neighbourhood I live and for the amazing people I am going to meet this evening for dinner :) Hugs hugs hugs

Thank you! :) Glad to hear your gratitude list. Have fun tonight! Hugs back <3

Hi raluca, today I feel grateful that the sun is shining and that I have the health and time to walk around the city I live in.

I'm also greatful for your blog which has reminded me to be greatful 😊 Have a great day!

Hey, thank you for sharing your gratitude reasons for today! Have a wonderful weekend :)

A pleasure, and you too! 😊

hey raluca

Apologies for posting this in your blog, but i would appreciate a big favor! (no up-vote required!)

If you could spare a few minutes to add my username to a comment in this post (if you haven't already voted for a worthy contestant)

It's for a chance to go to Steemfest 2, all inclusive, i would love the chance to do this!

Thank you very much for your time and consideration, have a great day! Asher

done. good luck, mate! :)

You are a star, thank you!

I'm grateful for my family for being healthy, i am grateful for my friends that i met today, i am grateful for all the people that i saw smiling today, i am grateful even for my new article that i wrote on steemit.

Every second of my life, i am the most grateful to have God in my hearth.

Thank you Raluca for reminding me all the important things that i should never let away.

Thank you for your beautiful words. Steem on!

I'm grateful for my family, job, and that cat photo you included, what a stunner!

Thank you for reading and sharing what your grateful for :)

I'm grateful for steemit, my family, and being part of this generation :D

Thanks for sharing :)

This is so beautiful. Gratitude is power, joy is power, & love is power.

Indeed, thanks for sharing the powers we have.

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