June 30 Days Writing Challenge - Life Hack - Day Sixteen: Silence For 5 Minutes

in #challenge30days6 years ago (edited)


Silence is a rare thing in our lives. We’re all so busy running around that we forget how important silence is. There is so much noise in the world that can stress and frustrate you. There is so much pressure that it so happens can kill you. I am not threatening you or anything. I am simply stating a fact.

Do you know that one of the main cause of stress is actually the unnecessary noise in our surroundings?

I am not kidding. I, myself, can feel the side effects of all the noise in my everyday life. It is resonating in my ears that even if I’m at my bed, I still can hear the noise of the days that past. It is bothersome and I guess one of the reasons I feel tired and restless. So what am I supposed to do?

I am happy that I read and took part in @dragosroua’s 30 Days Challenge because this is a challenge where I am learning so much. For this day, he talked about about a life hack we can all benefit from -The 5 Minutes Meditation Box.

Here is an excerpt of how do we do the 5 minutes meditation:

  1. Just find a quiet place, without too much noise and without any interruption potential (put your phone on airplane mode and make sure nobody can interfere with your physical space).
  2. Sit comfortably (on a chair or on the floor, doesn't really matter) and start breathing. Just focus on your breathing.
  3. If it makes the whole process easier, you may start by counting your breaths. I do that often, and it became some sort of a second nature: every time I want a bit of focus, I just put aside 5-10 minutes and breathe from one to 100.

I asked myself, why didn’t I thought of doing this before? Breathing is a common thing but then I was so absorbed with my work and what is happening in the world that a trivial thing like this I cannot even focus on. A simple task like focusing on breathing is difficult for me to do because I am focused on what’s going on in my life. I don’t have time to stop and do breathing exercises but I need to try it out because I feel like I’m drowning from the noise of everyday life. With this, I told myself to try this life hack out.

Thank you @dragosroua for sharing this with us!

June 17, 2018 - 1:30PM

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It is very true that we could all do with some silence for at least five minutes a day. I find I work better in silence, concentrate more quickly, and can think things through much faster than when there's a lot of noise around.

It's not so easy living in a city with a lot of people. We happen to live in a small country town, so it's much easier to get some quiet for a while.

So, what's your plan for making time to do the breathing exercises and meditation if you don't have any time for it? What do you think you will stop doing or cut down on? Or will you simply get up earlier? I congratulate you for taking up the life hack. :)

I am planning to make time or make it a routine everyday and I do hope I could stick with it :) thank you for engaging with me!

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