How Did I Get On Steemit?

in #challenge30days6 years ago (edited)

How Did I Get On Steemit?

It went back to about one and a half year ago, after I was kicked out of Facebook because I was tenaciously trying to maintain my anonymity, one thing that I think should be amongst people's right on the internet. There was time when I was addicted to Facebook. I wrote a lot about movies on it, basically to promote my newest blog post. Yes, I ran a movie-review blog on until about 2 years ago after running it for about 3 years. But then Fadebook deleted me for it's basic standard, good bye.

@rayfa | Photo used under permission.

After quitting Facebook for some months, @rayfa started mentioning about Steemit on Telegram messages. It was not that smooth for her, since I was not interested at first. But she keeps promoting Steemit in every chance she got. "You can do it," she said. "You have potential." Or, "You're a good writer." Bla bla bla.

After some times, I said, "Okay. I'll give it a try." Then on August last year I registered this account on Steemit. But I didn't start blogging right away. I took some times to learn how people were doing it, and I said, "It's something totally different from blogspot."

@rayfa agreed, "It is different from blogspot, because it's also a social media platform. Think of it as Facebook and Blogspot -the two things you were once so much in love with - blended and become one. And it pays you."

I post my first article on December, 4 months after my account was approved. It was about a game review, one thing I never did in the past. I keep on blogging, resteeming, interacting. Today, Steemit has become one of my daily activities. I tried to post at least once a day, but sometimes I just had no idea what to post, it could take three or four days to get back to Steemit. There was a one month time when I totally left Steemit, and @rayfa got back to being busy asking me to get back to it. "Things will get better." And she also taught me how to swim in Steemit pool and be patient. "Patient and hardwork! You don't give up that easy!"

@rayfa has been a very good mentor one can have on Steemit. And it encourages me to do the same to new Steemians who seek help to understanding Steemit better. And here, in this article, I want to once again thanks her for bringing me here, and for supporting me and patiently guiding me in this pool this whole time.


Thanks for dropping by.

From Indonesia With L💜VE

@aneukpineung78 | My Telegram


Haha. Yang ini ngga ada. 😀

Untung saja ada gugel translate.
Saya pun bisa membaca nya dengan tenang.

So, next time, apa yang akan kamu berikan untuk kk rayfa? Setelah doi berhasil membawa mu ke steemit!


Coba tanya @rayfa, kira2 dia mau dibayar dengan apa? ☺

Kita tunggu saja.
Mgkn kk rayfa akan menjawab "saya ikhlas"


Hahaha,,, jsngan pernah berharap kebaikan pada si A akan dibalas si A, itu namanya bisnis. 😂😂

That's right. Im agree with u 😂😂😂😄😄

Si A pulak jangan kaya kacang lupa kulit, itu namanya kampret kali... 😂😂

Sering2 kirim sbd, hehehehe

Gak jujur nih. Ya kan bg @aneukpineung 😂😂

Kayaknya gak habis2 bahn sama @rayfa , romantis x kalian.. 😅😅☺☺

Soalnya aku ini mentor yg baik, hehehe.. tp downlineku yg satu ini emang pinter, jd mentornya gak terlalu kewalahan

Iya sih, pinter.. ( gak usah terbang @anunekpineung78)

Hh. Emangnya iklan?

Kamu cemburu ya bang? Aku sama @rayfa kawan aja kok.
Gak mungkin aku menduakan kamyu, bang. Nggaa mungkiiin!!


Makasih ya.

Ampun bang, aku bukan penulis aku suka apa yang aku suka, jadi gimana tu bang @aneukpineung78

Rhoh meu teugon unvote whahaha...lon vote keulai lah...wakakakak

Mungkin dikau seorang pengetik, kalo bukan penulis. Tapi yang penting dikau melakukan apa yang kau suka. 😀

tepatnya aku mengetik apa yang aku suka bang @aneukpineung78

Yang penting melakukan hal yang disukai haha.

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