June 30 Days Writing Challenge - Life Hacks - Day Twentieth: Test The Water With Your Own Finger

in #challenge30days6 years ago

It's almost weekend, like the optimist one could say, but the writing #challenge30days that I'm being part of has just reached the twentieth day on a sunny Wednesday. If you've been following me and read my [post](June 30 Days Writing Challenge - Life Hacks - Day Twentieth: Test The Water With Your Own Finger) from yesterday you'd probably know that yesterday I shared you my top three reasons for making eggs a daily breakfast and of course a tasty one. If you haven't click on it and see what's about with it.

Today I will just mention that I had a omelette and that I will not give you any more nutrition hacks of mine...for a while. I will point out in today's post how important I see my own research in everything and also why avoiding gossips and second hand opinions kept me away form missing some good opportunities in life or really just see "it" for myself instead of being a blind believer.

For making this as clear as I can I will give you an example of how I learned to test the water with my own fingers instead of acting on assumptions and sidewalk opinions. When I was in college I needed a job and I found some adds in a newspaper to which I applied. From these adds some small scooter and motorcycles company called me for an interview for the position of a show-room salesman.

image source

I went to the interview, talked with the manager, liked the idea, he liked my way of speaking and thinking and it was all settled. In maximum a week I had to go sign the papers and begin my work. Meanwhile I met a friend who had a friend that worked for that company and told me that I shouldn't even think about working there as they don't pay that much in extra fees as they promised and I will just end up with the minimum wage and that's it.

When I heard that I was a bit dissapointed honestly, but then I said screw it what do I got to loose and went "all in". Tested the water with my own finger and what a nice warm water it was. Not only that these fees that I got were almost double the minimum wage I was getting, but I also received good tips that were pure gold for a student like me and insured me some good weekends at the pool during summer.

So, as a conclusion, instead of relying on second hand opinions in almost any situation I rather see it for myself and if it's really like described and it doesn't suit me than be it...I will quit and move on. After all I'm not a tree stuck in one place for the rest of my life and like Morgan Freeman said the bus runs everyday. Thus I'm testing the water with my own finger and rely mostly on my own experience even if it's not always about shinny sun and butterflies. Any piece of experience matters at some point.

PS: If you like this writing challenge feel free to read the introductory post of @dragosroua and join the fun with your life hacks posts. If you find this man cool enough why not check his steem.supply app and see when you will be paid and how high is your potential growth on the Steem platform. I would encourage you also to give him your witness vote as he "really witnesses" and cares about our favorite blogging platform.

Thanks for your attention,

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