June 30 Days Writing Challenge - Life Hacks - Day Four: A Book Chapter a Day Keeps The Mind Chatter Away

in #challenge30days6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I missed my life hacks post from @dragosroua 30 days writing challenge due to some health problems that almost ruined my day. Today being a better and sunny one I will post about one of my life hacks hopping it will fit in the challenge.

Two things define me very well and I am not the only one observing them: the fact that I overthink "alot" and I have a mind that chatters too much and that I like to read. The second one was noticed by my literature teacher also, who was a family friend of us, and once told the whole class that I almost read her entire library. Which I don't agree at all.

The post having the theme of a a life hack that you might find useful I will state that for me reading was and is always a hack for putting an end to that chatter of the mind and stopping it from burning out for hours. One could ask me now: but isn't reading actually adding more for the mind to rumble about?

image source

If you're a "professional reader", NO. Because, in may case when I'm reading, even if it is a chapter a day I'm putting aside everything that occupies my "mental CPU" once I open that book ( I don't read from kindles from no particular reason) and it is all about what the books says. Once my eyes are focused on these words it is that story, philosophy, or whatever am I reading and nothing else to take my attention. Unless my phone rings...

I discovered that reading not only puts on pause these "awful chatters" that can last for hours, but very often gives me some "higher vibe" subject to think after I close the book rather than gossips, "negative news" and other nonsense that messes with my mind daily. This hack of "taking the mind elsewhere" I've been practicing for decades and it works like a charm.

I wouldn't consider though reading tweets or social media feeds as actual reading and a way of tempering the mind chatter, but with actual books ( classics or kindles) it's definitely a good and simple technique. Audio books seem also hard to enter my attention as it flies away very easy if the eyes don't fall on some letters.

If you are not an "old reader" I encourage you to try this life hack. Even if it is just a chapter a day. Once you get the taste of it you will find yourself very easy lost in pages far away from your argues with your boss that you are running in your mind while also learning something new on the road. Unfortunately with the continual rise and bloom of the social media and online news reading books is becoming almost extinct. I do believe though in its powers and am not yet ready to give up on it, plus I am even recommending it to all having "hard working minds".

PS: If you like the challenge feel free to read the introductory post of Dragos and join the fun with your life hacks posts. If you find this dude cool enough why not check his steem.supply app and check when you will be paid and how high is your potential growth on the Steem platform. I would encourage you also to give him your witness vote as he "really witnesses" and cares about our favorite blogging platform.

Thanks for "reading" and wish you a great Monday!


I am reading your post , good article .

I am waiting your next new update news .

I upvote you @acesontop

Thanks for sharing sir , keep good work every time .

Thanks for your appreciation.

For me reading is an addiction so much so that have to specifically limit my time with it. I cannot start reading fiction without finishing the book. To finish a book I will skip work, food and meeting with friends. It's a bit scary when I put it that way. But over the years I have learned to control it by making sure that I only read fiction in specified times of weeks and months and not apart from that.

In the first para you mention that you tend to overthink (I mentioned the a similar habit of mine in one of the comments of @dragosroua 's writing challenge post). Reading is one time that I too stop thinking and can immerse myself in the book without a stray thought to distract me.

Thanks for sharing this man.............. and thanks to @dragosroua for resteeming this to my feed.

I'm glad that you appreciate the article and thanks @dragosrous for resteeming it. I wasn't able to write about a life hack everyday in this challenge, but hope to post as many as I can. About reading I can't say that I sacrifice work, eating or any other important activities for it, but it is an old habit that occupies some time in my life.

I don't know that I've ever considered reading as a way to calm the mind chatter. I guess it would depend on how much and how intense. Generally, I calm mine by writing, getting the ideas out that keep crowding in. I do read a lot though, and I have noticed that mind doesn't seem to be as full lately, so maybe that is the reason and it is working. I've also been doing a lot more writing on a daily basis, too, so who knows. Maybe it's the combination.

Interesting life hack, though. I like it. :)

Glad you liked it. I've got more ;)

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