Knowledge is power, power brings freedom. In my case it brings the freedom to run with confidence.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #challenge308 years ago

More little old man insights for the Challenge 30.

also not me
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Disclaimer: This is still not me running.

This will be a short post today because I’m pulling an all-nighter at work, on my first day back.

2017 is certainly kicking off with a hiss and a roar!

But I did manage to get another run in today, which I’m happy about.

I’d tell you the story of it, but it might have to wait for another day.

But it was much better running with the knowledge that my knee problems are due to tight muscles and by stretching them I can fix the problem.

I tested this yesterday by having a really good stretch session at the gym. Today my knees were fine, with no pain at all.

I also stretched my quads during the run today, each time I had to wait to cross the road, or stop to take on water, I’d give my left leg a good stretch. I could actually feel the difference each time I did it.

That meant that even when it was hurting a bit I knew I wasn’t destroying my knee and turning myself into a cripple. All I had to do is stretch my quads and the world would be fine.

The biggest problem I had this time around was with my left shoelace, which kept coming undone no matter how I tied it. I might have to investigate a solution for that.

The big plus from today was finishing the run without much pain, and doing the whole distance, including both hills, without walking. (this is the circuit I did for my first attempt at 10kms )

That’s right – another 10kms under my belt!

I’d call that progress. ;-)

Runkeeper info

  • Distance: 10.37km
  • Time: 1:19
  • Average pace: 7.41 m/km

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Glad your knee is feeling better and you can run without pain.!

It's my first day back at work too....know exactly how you feel. I wish I had enough money not to work. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Yes it would be great.
The only problem is I like working ;-)
So even if I had enough money to not work, I'd still end up working.
I think there is probably something wrong with me hehehe.

Nope. Same for me. If I was paid enough here on Steemit I would've done this full time. I also like working and I believe that I am in the right profession. I am just not in the mood today!!!!

It's hard getting back into it after a good break huh?
I had planned to ease my way into it, but the client has other ideas.

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