Challenge30: Rise of the Crypto Messiahs

in #challenge307 years ago

I have written in other Posts about our inbuilt need to creat Gods.

Zuckerballs is considered to be a Messiah by some, for creating Faceballs.

Steve Jobs is just waiting in the wings to be canonized as a Software Hardware Deity.

Satoshi Nakamoto, is far from being the, Where Is Waldo, character you would imagine him to be.

Instead he has become yet another, Lost Messiah.

Wandering in the Crypto desert.

As his followers look for signs in the, Crypto Tea Leave & Starbucks Coffee Grinds,

of the return of this, Crypto King Arthur.

The Holy Nakomoto Grail.

The Bitcoin Arkenstone, arising as if by Tolkienesque Magic

from the fabled, Bitcoin Genesis Block.


And then we have Ethereum and its,

Autistic Wunderkind Wizard , Vitalik Buterin.

Now the whole basis of the Blockchain and all the wondrous Apps and Software as a Service,

that can ride on top of this Mathematical Sandworm Beast,

is the freedom from centralization.


And yet a fake news story, of the demise of its creator Vitalik Buterin,

went viral and caused the price of Ethereum to plummet.

Prompting Buterin to do a Proof Of Life selfie.


That is very disconcerting for any serious investor, if a false rumour, can cause that much panic, in the stampeding herds of crypto investors.

Of course its not his fault the people around him have invested him, with this aura of Godhead.

He maybe a maths prodigy, but he is not a one man religion. and as far as I know, has no ambition to be one.

So take a step back brothers and sisters and just appreciate him for what he does.

And not imbue him with something he is not.

This is not to say, he will not still be elevated to the Doors of Valhalla.

It's what we crave for our hero's.

Who is next in the Godhead Stakes.

Well Dan Larimer is well on the way to ascend to the halls of Valhalla.

To see him in a conversation gun fight with Buterin, is to know how far back along the Crypto food chain I lie.

Now, I know this video has been included on a lot of Posts on Steemit.

But it is a fascinating insight, of two very weird looking young dudes, at the top of their mental game,

talking/dueling about something, that is beyond the grasp of most mortals.

Buterin, looking like some, just released, emaciated prisoner of war.

Waving his arms around, as if generating an Ethereum Force Field a Crypto Spell to ward of the deadly attack of the, Larimar Dark Elf Magic.

Larimar Dark Elf, his eyes glowing, as he tries to batter through the Ethereum Spell Wall,

cast by the weakened, Ethereum Wizard.

But seriously folks, it is a very interesting video.

Not to be missed.

The Larimar Dark Elf, has his own, Blockchain Sandworm Project called EOS.

Which is running its own version of an ICO from it's website.

In the future all of these guys will become known outside the Cryptocurrency Universe.

And perhaps they will become diluted by that mass media exposure.

Becoming just Celebrity magazine cannon fodder for the masses.

But for now, we can watch them, gather their power and evolve into,Super Crypto Beings,

endowed with Super Crypto Powers.

Is there room at the top of the Crypto Pyramid, for both the Wizard of Ethereum and The Dark Elf of Eos.

Will the man in the street ever understand what they do,

or what the, Blockchain Sandworm Beast was created for.

Will they ever care?

I think not.

Read On:

Vitalik Buterin, - The Uncanny Mind That Built Ethereum

A natural proclivity for math and programming,
an early interest in economics, and an ability to add three digit numbers in his head twice as fast as the average human being — set him apart as an oddity.
When people met up after school, they didn’t invite Buterin, and it took him a long time to even find out that extracurricular social events were a thing that happened.
“I remember knowing, for a while, for a long time, that I was kind of abnormal in some sense,” he says.
“When I was in grade five or six, I just remember quite a lot of people were always talking about me like I was some kind of math genius.
And there were just so many moments when I realized, like okay, why can’t I just be like some normal person and go have a 75%

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Images Courtesy of Tolkien Gateway & leywad.deviantart & coindesk

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