Challenge30: Highway to the Danger ZonesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #challenge308 years ago

Sky-Cars have always been the on going dream of every generation.
And now they might just be closer than we think.
I've always fancied my self as a Sky-Car jockey.

Image Courtesy of Aircraftcompare

Lift of from the Freeway and then it's, Maverick & Mother Goose time and
Highway to the Danger Zone.

OK! OK! maybe not. A guy can dream though.
Reality check: Robot controlled Sky-Cars filling the Sky's of The City of Angels.
The mind boggles.
Maybe working as a Taxi Sky-Car run by Uber-Sky?

Larry Page has bought into the Sky-Car future.
Having invested over $100M on his version of the future.
And done it outside of the Google X Campus.
A sort of Billionaire school hobby project.

But as you are a Billionaire, you don't do things half assed.
He has not one, but two companies,
Zee.Aero and Kitty Hawk
both hell-bound for leather building the Sky-Car of tomorrow.
The smart Page money is on Electric Sky-Cars.
And he has been funding them since 2010.

Image Courtesy of Moller International

But the Granddaddy of Sky-Car's is Paul Moller.
Who has also made and spent fortunes
on his dream of a working commercial Sky-Car.
This guy has the Sky-Car bug big-time.
He has been at it, non-stop for around 50yrs.
And is still carrying the dream torch.
"We want Sky-cars! When do we want them? Now!"
Back in 2000, Moller was a guest at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC),
there to talk about, (what else) Flying Cars.
Here he met a very skeptical Larry Page.
Oh! how the tune has changed.

But now they are talking about Flying Taxis so it's back to Bruce Willis our favorite Taxi Driver.

Will I ever get to Pilot a Sky-Car.
No is the resounding answer.
Sitting in a Computer driven flying machine is as close as I will ever get.
What are we going to do with all that empty Freeway when our Sky's are full of Flying Uber Bus Drones.
I'm sure we'll come up with something.

Read On:

Forget self-driving cars: Airbus will test a prototype for a self-FLYING taxi by the end of this year
Airbus opened a division called Urban Air Mobility in 2016 to explore the possibility of self-flying vehicles
The flying taxis will be called CityAirbus, which passengers will be able summon with their smartphone
Tom Enders, CEO of Airbus, said that a demonstration vehicle could be tested by the end of the year

Last year, Airbus unveiled its plans to create a fleet of self-flying taxis to help commuters avoid the ever-growing issue of traffic during rush-hour.
And it seems that we might not have to wait long to hail a flying car.
Airbus has revealed that it plans to test its first single-person prototype by the end of 2017.

Read more:

Challenge 30 is a 30 day writing challenge issued by @dragosroua to write and post every day in January.

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100% Content Badge courtesy of @reneenouveau


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