Challenge 30: New Year on Steemit - The Year of the RoostersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #challenge308 years ago

Challenge 30 is a 30 day writing challenge issued by @dragosroua to write and post every day in January.
(I dont know how far I'll get with that, but I'll give it a shot.)

So we are into the New Year - The Year of the Rooster and already they are calling it
The Year of the Bitcoin.
I remember other years when Linux was going to break through the Glass Ceiling or Tiled Hallway or what ever mythical barrier was holding it back.

Well it did break through but nobody was around to see it.
They were all off looking at some Cat Dancing Video on Youtube.

Linux as "We" know now is everywhere but very invisible.
It's built into the very framework of everything we use.

Images Courtesy Photofunia

So to, will be the fate of Bitcoin.
Though I imagine we will get a Bitcoin fashion Hype wave first.
Followed by Movie & TV shows which will hype the shit out of it.
But Bitcoin will go the way of Gold and will be squirreled away in Hard USB Shelters.
As a Hedge against Big Government.
As a Hedge against the divorcing wife.
As a Hedge against anything that is trying to take your wealth away.
This should leave room for all the other 500 Cryptocurrencies to make out like bandits.
As a spending currency. And that is where Steemit fits right in.

I will endeavour to persevere on STEEMIT to mis-quote
Chief Dan George from that excellent movie "The Outlaw Josey Wales"

It is a hit and miss affair. I have published my own short stories and earned some cents.
I've also published random news stories and articles that interest me.
Avoiding so far, in joining the mad rush to Post Videos of Cats having fun on the Interwebs.

But if thats what the Public want. Give em Cake I say.

I can not, take the world very seriously, after living through some very absurd moments.
Donald Trump, President of the USA of America, being one of them.

Now that for me is totally absurd.
The highest post in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
And it's given to a man with no regard for anything, except Himself & Mammon.
God Bless America, you will need every bit of Goodness, where ever it's coming from.

Hollywood has been making Movies about The Donald Types for years.
He's never, ever, been portrayed as the Good Guy in any script.

In Stargate, General Hammond is always on the phone to the President, who is the good guy.

There is always a, Trump like character sneaking around in the background,
causing mayhem and generally trying to fuck things up.
But he always falls short, just as the show ends.

Avatar is another, The Donald Type Movie. Big Government raping a Virgin Planet.
"Grab em by the Unobtanium. They love it" Is a memorable line from The D T.
But the Good Guys win again over The Donald Type.
Hurrah for the Good Guys;D~

We just hope, whoever is writing, "The Donald Type as President" Movie script has a good ending for us all.
It must be a script? tell me it's just a Hollywood script!

I will let loose my own Space story on the Steemit world when I have made some edits.
I've been watching "The Expanse" which think is a Masterpiece of Sci-Fi.

There have been very few TV shows I have rewatched.
"The Expanse" is one of them.

"Pride and Prejudice" with Colin Firth:
Is another masterpiece of storytelling.

Mr Darcy! The scene that drove a million girls hearts a fluttering:D~

"When the Boat Comes In" with James Bolam. Set in Newcastle, a fantastic TV show. Great acting.

When The Boat Comes In A Land Fit For Heroes

"Matador" A Danish TV show that emptied the streets when it was reun. Takes us through Denmark from just before WW2 to after the war. Quite brilliant.

They have created a tourist Matador Town North Of Copenhagen - Just look up Bakken if you are in Copenhagen.

"The Wire" I could not understand a word of this when I started watching it. Are these guys speaking English?
Worth hanging in there though.
Another Master Class in acting and TV production.
I was a bit shocked when I realised a lot of the actors where English & Irish. But Hey, it's not called acting for nothing.

Sure there are lots of Sugar Candy, watch and forget TV shows we all love.
But very few TV shows take you so far away from where you believe you are and transport you to another time another place.
This is my definition of a great Movie & Great TV.

Everybody has their own list.
These are mine.

I will try and make a Movie list. Now that is much harder.

To Be Continued...............
image courtsey of @reneenouveau
Badge Courtsey of @elyaque




A random yet interesting post. Thanks

Thanks, it's what a Blockchain Blog is all about.
For myself, as long as it's interesting I will read on.

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