The difference between under, inner and OVER standing.

in #challenge308 years ago (edited)

This is an interesting concept.

When you think you have grasped something, when you seemingly know how it works; this is under-standing something.

An example of this is me with the fractional reserve banking system....

I somewhat understand how money can = debt due to the interest that is applied to every dollar in existence.

Yet although I can somewhat contemplate this: I have absolutely no idea how it works, why it works, or how money can have value and still equal debt

In other words; I just can't wrap my head around it.

It's too complex.

I Understand this process. Which means that it is just barely within my scope of reference, just under my full knowing.

On the other hand, somebody who has been working in wall street for 45 years; or perhaps the head of the federal reserve, would probably OVER-STAND this process.

A good way to imagine this is that they are standing OVER the thing. They have full knowledge. They know exactly how it works, exactly what mechanisms need to be applied in order to keep it functioning, and they know exactly how to take this system down: although they never would as it benefits them.

This is over-standing.

Having full knowledge of a thing in every context.

You know everything there is to know about it.

You can spout every fact and figure there is about the thing and you can use these facts and figures to your advantage to convince somebody that this thing is good or bad: whatever serves you in the moment.

INNER-STANDING is a little bit different.

Inner standing is exactly what it sounds like.

Knowing something via intuition.

It is an energy, perhaps sent from your "higher" self or soul source.

It is how you know a thing is true without any logic.

For example, you meet a beautiful man or woman. The moment you glance into their eyes, you KNOW that they are the one, that they are your soul mate.
You know that you two are meant for each other.

This is an INNER knowing.

Or INNER-standing.

This is when you know something with 100 % certainty....and you don't know how you know it.

All of these concepts revolve around direct knowledge.

As such, one could take the word standing out and they would be just as accurate.

You could thus replace these words with Under-knowing, Inner-knowing and over-knowing....whatever works for you!!

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Note: This post is part of the 30 day challenge proposed and initiated by @dragosroua

Img-sources: 1 , 2


Nice one, upped! I would add the tag 'TIL' ;-)

Thanks :)
Followed you.

Hopefully you can teach me something about surfing lol

Sure! You just need a wetsuit and to lose your fear :-))

definitely worth the cost of engagement in this attention economy
taking this all in to my tender heart

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