THINGS THAT PISS US OFF! #2 Overly emotional people - bfgfchallenge

in #challenge7 years ago

The road to irrationality

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This post pertains to all kinds of people but I found that most of them belong to some kind of group. I'll avoid mentioning the groups of people with high irrationality index because I don’t feel like repeating myself over and over, trying to explain what I’m trying to say. But hey, we all know who they are anyway, right?

I always thought that with age comes wisdom but as I get older a lot of people devolve in that matter. And when I say a lot of people, that excludes children (for they are sociopaths before they learn to deal with emotions) and teenagers (because of hormones obviously). No, I mean adults that should be equipped to deal with day to day situations and be able to set aside emotions from time to time, to think rationally. It’s disturbing when you reach an agreement with a temperamental teenager sooner than with a supposedly respectable middle aged person, who appears to be stable, but is in fact a pile of bullshit, usually with higher-than-thou attitude.

Excruciating situations aside, people get so emotional over the barest of things it’s impossible to have any kind of conversation, let alone a constructive debate. It’s all about who can talk louder and cry faster. Forget about explaining things because if they at any point feel slighted, they won’t listen to a word you say, even if they know deep down the other person is right. The situation then soon devolves to something resembling a bad romance movie in which the female lead is completely self absorbed and blames the man for everything wrong with her life.

I have to admit I never feel more helpless than when I have to explain something to an illogical, over emotional person without offending them, because I know that if I misstep even once it’s all over, I lost. It’s not even about right or wrong, it’s about people not listening to opinions/arguments just because it offends their sensibilities. No more debate clubs, at this point there are so many crybabies in this world they’ll soon prohibit the act of talking.

All in all, I’d move every single over emotional person to an island just to make them really understand how we feel dealing with them, but then again, they’d probably all cry and point fingers as always because suddenly they wouldn’t be in the center of attention and would be forced to act in a way that is different than their usual self absorbed tirades.

Me and my boyfriend are doing this challenge where we write about things that piss us off. We want you guys to decide who wins by upvoting and commenting. The winner gets the satisfaction of rubbing it in the others face.

Read the other article @hrovat66

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