Day six: Something about the way you just are that you like

in #challehge4 years ago

Today was a difficult day for me, so this is going to be a tough one to write because I tend to think the worst of myself when my life is stressful and things happen that are out of my control.

I am a weird person, and definitely a nerd in many ways. I have always liked that about myself: the fact that I am different from my family, and how I use my knowledge to fluff up my sense of humor. In my life, I spent so much time learning as much as I can, reading as many books as I can, and trying to open my mind to all the wonderful cultures, traditions, celebrations and beliefs of people around the world.


I also find the strangest things hilarious and am known to laugh at the oddest of times. When I try to explain my humor (especially to my family), they never fully understand, but might throw me a snort for pity’s sake. Then I feel like a loser, but I guess that’s okay because being weird is just fine and there is no shame in liking weird things.

Sure, that makes me a nerd with a strange sense of humor, but it’s okay because my friends are nerds too. All the people closest to me are total weirdos with immature (sometimes inappropriate) jokes, but they appreciate my weirdness as I do theirs.


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