Suggestion "For a Information War" Forum on chainBB

in #chainbb7 years ago (edited)

The forum with have the tag #informationwar, and posts that would be classified under that tag would include methods of Information War, Progaganda, and Disinformation. The discussion would include governmental doctrine, historical application, Information War on the spectrum of warfare modes, recognition of #fakenews, public OSINT, the concept of a Deep State and reaction to it, and critical thinking in analyzing

By necessity, conspiracy theory could be discussed under this tag as they often address what many view as Deep State disinformation; this means that discussion of #PizzaGate could fall under the purview.

I have been posting under the #informationwar tag for some time now

[Edited from Steemit - This post was submitted through the chainBB forum, which is in beta. It looks like a nice setup, and I will post additional blogs from that platform.

It looks like they could use some more folks over there, so y'all may want to take a look.

Finally, I am testing now whether edits on Steemit affect the original post on chainBB]


and I am leaving this comment from chainBB. The edit via Steemit shows up here on the forum (which I should have forseen LOL)

I'm not seeing an edit function here, so be careful when posting from chainBB, but remember you can fix things from the Steemit side ;)

Edits are comin, I'm workin on them :)

no problem ;)It's just going to be weird hitting the blockchain from so many different angles LOL

Great account! :) Thanks for sharing! Upvoted and followed!! :)

Please consider posting using chainBB next time. That way you can also support the project monetarily.

I'll have to make a habit of it...I am very used to doing everything from the Steemit platform!

I'm upvoting everyone who use chainBB. Thanks for making an effort! :-)

Sounds like a plan... I'll write it down so I don't forget!

Keeping that in mind now. Thanks.

chainBB looks to be a forum app based on the Steem blockchain; I know that there are devs working on different front ends to the blockchain (like Busy); I started playing with this one a few minutes ago.

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