Would it be possible to remove moderation permissions?

in #chainbb-support7 years ago


I created this forum: https://chainbb.com/f/bitcoin-cash

But I don't want to be able to perform censorship by removing peoples posts. Could it be possible to remove my own permission for that?

Best regards.


Currently no - but I do get what you're going for (and totally understand why lol).

Really the only "real" way I see it actually working is to transfer ownership to an account where the keys are burnt. That way moderation could be disabled (by first owner), then ownership transferred (to burnt owner) which would prevent moderation from ever being enabled again.

I suppose I could simulate that just by allowing the owner to essentially 'burn' their moderation powers with a custom operation and then just never allow it to be reenabled.

It's something I'm definitely thinking about!

I've got a different idea. What about allowing several owners in the same forum and only actions accepted by all owners will be made?

Basically a multisig for moderation permissions - it's a neat idea.

It's definitely something we can explore, though probably a low priority at this point since there's so much else to do and build. I've got this thread linked from the github issue so once work begins it can reference this conversation.

Great. Thank you. Looking forward to these features :-)

What language do you develop in? Do you need a developer?

All of the projects I work on are open source and if you're interested, more than welcome to contribute.

Almost everything I work on currently is a combination of python or javascript, and I've all the data is in mongo.

https://github.com/aaroncox has a bunch of them pinned :)

I will have a look. Thank you

This leads into another question of transferring ownership of a forum. Once a forum owner can no longer moderate, can you assign that moderation to another person or would you need to transfer ownership as you suggest above? Can you sell the rights to a forum if you are the creator?


Transferring ownership is something that is in the works - just not here yet. Once we do have transferring, I suppose you could sell a forum :)

I think in the case of disabling moderation - it would be disabled forever, even if the ownership was transferred. Really at that point all the ownership would allow you to do is set the forum's configuration options and claim beneficiary rewards.

Without the ability to transfer moderation, I'm not sure the forum would retain any intrinsic value, therefore not as valuable. Just a thought. I've seen high-income generating blogs get sold for big bucks... but with all rights and functions attached.

This is certainly a very weird request. What if people abuse a certain tag, for example, posts that have nothing to do with bitcoin being tagged with bitcoin. It would be nice to have someone able to remove said post.

I undertand you're probably trying to avoid the /r/bitcoin censorship, but I see no reason why you can't just not use your "powers". They mighty come handy one day, for removing spam.

I would rather see the forum destroyed. "Not using your powers" has failed time and time again. I want something different.

So basically you don't trust yourself? Um, ok.

I trust myself but I don't want others have to trust me.

Regarding wanting "something different", it seems to me that @jesta has developed something different here, and your feature lessens what's he's done here. If he makes the moderation feature optional, then it increases the chances that this forum just becomes another repository for all the spam and empty content that flows forth at steemit like a broken sewer main. The answer to your problem is simple - just don't use the moderation feature if you don't want to.

How can I make sure to others that I won't use it? They can't read my mind. Also there is the downvote feature that with consensus can hide content

Others can make their own judgements about your moderation (or lack thereof). If they don't like it, they can set up a rival forum moderated differently.

I see this a valid point. It must be remembered that forum owners are beneficiaries and need to moderate their forums to protect the integrity of the forum. A forum full of spammers and trolls is not conducive to keeping good conversations alive, therefore keeping the income stream intact. I for one would not be willing to invest mucho time promoting a forum I created without having some control over abusive behavior.

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