Replies to replies

My impression is that replies to replies are not directly visible using @chainbb . The only way I found to see them is to change the url in the corresponding url from the Steemit platform. Is there another way to see them?



I think I see what happens. Replies to replies (second replies) are presented just as first replies, quoting the first reply they are replying to. They are there, but as first replies, and separate from the one they are responding to. Is this correct?

I believe that's correct, hah. Hard to follow that train of thought :)

A post only ever quotes a single other post, though you can hit the "Jump to Original" button on each of them to scroll through a reply chain itself.

Yes! I had seen that, though after sending this query.

The "jump to the original" thing solves the issue from the 2nd reply to the first. But if you are on the first one, you do not know if it has any replies.

A real tongue-twister, my post.

Nice observation on reply in chainbb

Thank you, @abh12345. I'm seeing both now, no problem... I don´t know what happened before.

Un aspect could be if you were using @chainbb or Steemit when you posted these replies

Another thing could be the replies are both from the same account, and I am looking at one of my posts. My situation was looking at a reply of mine to a post by someone else, which in turn received a reply.

My guess is you were notified of my first reply, but not the 2nd?

On Steemit, there is a comments box which should show '1' under my first reply? That is my clue of a reply under a reply.

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