Are you experience the same? Serious advice/motivation needed!

in #chainbb-general7 years ago (edited)

Are you experience the same? Serious advice/motivation needed!

I feel like the more I care about others on Steemit, the less they care about me.

I am constantly upvoting and resteeming others post and I upvoted and resteemed a lot of post yesterday to support others.
Meanhile my recent posts got only a few upvotes, no comments (there is only 1 comment under my last 3 posts) and only a few cents as estimated potential payout.
So basically no one cares about my stuff here.
Why do more than 200 people following me if they don't really care about my posts?
I follow others and as I mentioned previously I care about their stuff. Why don't they do the same?
A lot of people earn more than $1.00 per post while I am struggling to make $0.05 per post lately.
I have $0.02 potential payout each on my last three posts and that 2 cents is basically from my own upvotes...
What am I doing wrong?
if I wouldn't upvote my own posts I probably couldn't earn a thing on it while I put time and effort into my posts and I am formatting my posts with markdown.
You can see one or more images under most of my posts.
I am NOT spamming meaningless comments under others posts. I have NEVER asked for upvotes and/or follows. Especially under others posts. I rather don't write any comment when I don't have anything nice/constructive to say.
So I don't want to complain about anything but I think I am deserve a little bit more attention to my posts.
Currently I am not planning to give up but this trend is very demotivating.

Note: I am not a native English speaker and because of this I am sorry If my English is wrong.

I hope my English is understandable.

Thank you for reading and thank you for any advice/tips!

Enjoy Steemit!
Have a nice day!


Hello there @xplosive.

I am able to see this post :) I am upvoting this post to show support and I am going to follow you and will check out your blog to see what kinds of things you create and share with the community.

If I resonate with your articles I will drop a comment and possibly upvote.

I highly recommend taking the time to sincerely connect with your followers and potential followers. Don't just throw upvotes & resteems around or assume that by doing so it will be reciprocated.

Treat each upvote & resteem that you give with respect...and appreciate those you receive just the same :)

Also, be sure to share your passions. Write about the things that you love and that really light up your Soul. Everything is energy. Just like you can feel a smile on the other end of the can also feel the love or other emotion behind each post.... ;)

I wish you the best of luck and I hope this helps my friend.

Bright Blessings and Reiki Hugs!! Happy Steeming

Thank you very much for your reply and your support/motivation and the great wishes! I really appeciate it!
I would like to wish the same to you!
I will look what can I do about commenting under my followers posts but I would like write meaningful comments and not to force myself into commenting (or anything else).
About my passion: I already shared multiple posts about amateur radio. This is my only enjoyment in my life.
However I can't do it alone. I bought my transceiver with the help of 3 people and I received my antenna as a gift. I received 2 antennas as gift.
Due to disabitilies I am unable to make friends and I am unable to work in real life. Amateur radio helps me a lot to maintain and improve my English knowledge and building connections around the world. I will continue to write and share articles about it.

@xplosive ~ I accept and appreciate deeply your reciprocation of love and best wishes!

You are doing wonderful my friend. Remember that it's still very early in this journey; if I am correct, you joined #steemit in May of this takes time for each of us to establish our presence and develop friendships. There is no need to rush. Let us both take it slow and steady as we grow, learn and evolve.

I agree that you should definitely go with your flow - feeling forced is going against your flow. Just be you and comment/post without worrying so much about the expectation of response. I always comment from my heart, sometimes it's short and sweet...and other times lengthy...but its always from the heart. (I can feel that you are very much heart centered like me, and I totally dig that).

I don't know much about amateur radio ~ I am more of a nature girl. I can relate to difficulties with in-person I am empathic which can sometimes be overwhelming if I'm caught off guard.

I am thankful that our paths have crossed and we have this opportunity to connect through this amazing medium and profoundly awesome social platform.

I am happy to hear that you won't give up and I look forward to your progress! I am cheering you on my friend!!! Reiki Hugs!!!!

Yes you are visible, Steemit is very hard to get visibility on I agree, even if you have almost 3600 followers as I do, it still doesn't guarantee you a good reward.

All I would suggest is keep doing what you are, you never know when a post will really fly, also make lots of comments on others posts and in the comment threads of posts, this is perhaps a little easier to earn from...but again no guarantee.

Think of Steemit as new social media that may possibly reward you for being involved remembering there are no guarantees, enjoy being a part of this community that doesn't blast you with ads.

Steem on beyond the moon, we will take it way further than that.

you got an upvote & resteem from me hope they help you out a little.

Thank you very much for your reply and your support/motivation! I really appeciate it!
However I only comment on others (or any) post if I can make a meaningful comment!
If I have something nice/good/constructive to say!
I don't like to force myself to make comments (or any other thing)!
I don't have too much experience with social media because I rarely use social media sites.
Because of my disabilities I can't make and I don't have real life friends (and because of this I am unable to work in real life) so my experiences with social media is much different than other people's experiences.

I have practically 800 followers but my posts usually "make" 30-50 cents.

So I have the same issue here

Is this post visible?
Please write something!

Dude, try to put some naked pictures:)))

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