
Pin-pointing the appropriate and most resourceful social media platform to communicate and share ideas with your audience and subordinates exposes and re-define any aspiring and or established leader.

While some frustrated Flash Leaders worry about disorganization in communication within their circle, the goal and result oriented ones profer solutions by using social media as antidotes. Though a crucial self test question comes to mind; is social media going to be used to establish a connection of trust, flexibilty and openness in our tasks as a leader?



Another crucial question for leaders is; my to-do is filled up already? how could i make additional platform to it? Way out is to stop viewing social media as additional burden but a see is as a set of tools to evolve your leadership roles. Invest your time in some of the tools i will be elaborating on later on on this blog.

Libby Turner, Director of Client services at Room124; A Digital and Marketing Social Media Agency describing Mark Zukerberg, acclaimed creator of Facebook:

Essentially, he is very good at using Facebook as a promotional tool? not only for Facebook but for how people percieve the company through him as the leader......

Communication in leadership is a very essential part when studying any business/organisational setup. Because, this form of communication has a great impact on subordinates/employees. Without it, there will not be a direct engagement from the decision makers down to the employees and this might have a negative impact on the organisation's general performance.

Leaders should maximise the potential of social media in reaching internal and external audiences, that includes; employees, shareholders? the media and consumers......(Meredith, 2012)

Organizations have been responding to that new reality: Social Media Revolution i.e They are realising the power and potential of this technology for corporate and domestic life.......McKinsey

Below is a vital graphic illustration of dimenisons in an organisation, leaders will have to create a modern infrastructute that is essential in a social circle which is technologically embedded to encourage spontaneous communications within geographical and physical regions. This is refered to as "The Exhibit"; because of it's six dimensions definition which are interwoven and interdependent concurrently.



Have a focused Goal

Make a diagram if need be, for you and your team. Efforts must be collaborative, never get too clouded with details that might derailed you off your set goals. Keep your focus awake by planning, make some productivity and visualise.

Pick an Outstanding Platform

Using social media as a leadership tool requires selecting the platform that is best for you , your brand , your skills and your connections.

Always Review your Plans

Evaluate what has worked for you and the ones that failed, be extra cautious of the channel you get all your engagement from and improvise on such channels. Every leader has their uniqueness, social media do not work for everyone the same way.

Make a thoughtful Content

Dozens of firms have come under scrutiny for contents that are insensitive. Leaders need to pay extra care to contents they convey across social platforms like Pinterest, Steemit, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

Get your voice Amplified

Some endlessly send "A must read " messages to their connections or subordinates. why don't you just post those important "Read This Messages" on Facebook, Steemit or you just tweet them so that all your followers/connections could have access to it? It is a very smart move.

Alternate your Platforms

For very high and essential informations, you can set up an account on several social media instead of getting stuck on emails or calls which doesn't come sometimes. There are many highly-priortise complex informations you could get on your socail media accounts/feeds as well.

Expand your Horizon

Look for groups of highly trusted and respected CEOs/Executives and consciously connect with them. This can be more experienced leaders and advisers that you can gain priceless insight and knowledgeable experience from.

Design a leadership Vault/Wallet

Have a storage where you store informations about other organisations, market intelligence and other ideas you have Mined from the web to help you create a sophisticated leader in yourself.

If few or most of this aformentioned tools can be optimised, then you are on your way to be an excellent Leader!



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I echo your point and it is definitely a trend that sometimes I look for reason using social media platform instead of Wikipedia now because once you identify the leader of the subject, you can directly talk to him which make it more lively and interact-able.

Very true @wilkinshui, you really got my point......amazing how people don't like reading stuffs like this.

In the new era, it is all about how effective you can learn by yourself. While it is ok to read lots of text, but it would be much more efficient once you find the subject matter expert and learn interactively.

That i agree with you TBH!

Really well laid out. This is a great plan for monetizing existing leadership skills for someone who is just starting out with this tool (steemit). I'm just getting started on this, having not participated at all in Facebook, etc. This is the only social media tool with actual, REAL rewards.

This community rocks. Thanks for this thread.

You are the best, thanks for reading the post through buddie....

Brilliant! Mastery of these tools are essential for business people...

It is... no surprise but LinkedIn seems to be the tool of choice for most. The only problem is that everybody is trying to have a go and get noticed that the messages are becoming diluted.

And some domestic leadership too😊

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