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RE: What if someone put a child abuse picture on Steemit

that is an excellent question. Not so much about the FBI - that might be worrisome but I think it can be proven that the person couldn't do anything about it.
But the image being there forever is troublesome and how that can be prevented is one of those questions which would be good to have an answer for.
The sad thing is that ideas, projects, things are started with the good in mind. But not everyone has the best for their fellowmen in their intentions.
Wished I even had the faintest idea how to solve that - nada.


Steem, like (I assume) all other social platforms, started out with good intentions, but are prone to misuse. The ethical dilemma is difficult - should we ban an entire technology just because it may be used for evil? Probably not. But in my view, the Steem blockchain, with anarchy build into the platform, gives the wrong kind of people a playground for all sorts of illegal stuff.

Let's spread our concerns to the Steem community, and hope that this will influnce the developers to take appropriate actions, if such exists.

I don't think it can ever be erased, but it seems that even now, certain accounts and their posts are made invisible. I have no idea how that all works

it's the same as reddit, when you flag you are actually downvoting... and when it goes under zero, it's hidden.

Yes, but my understanding is that it's hidden on Steemit. Other sites that are based on the same blockchain may have different rules. In fact, they could decide to to the opposite, they could make a forum where downvote posts are promoted. Although not a very likely application to be created, it's very possible.

Well, the blockchain is basically just the database, and Steemit is the application which fetch data from the database and display it in your web browser. Steemit have computer code that says something in the lines of "when I come across downvoted users or posts, hide that data in the web browser". But other people my chosse to build websites that fetch only those downvoted posts, only posts tagged as "science", or in the worst case, only posts containing childe abuse material.

Thanks for explaining that. I have no clue how all of that works. That is a problem - not that I have no clue, but that others do who might abuse it....

Exactly. For a computer techie it should be easy to develop those type of sites I mentioned.

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