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RE: Congrats to tj4real. 100 followers achievement

in #chainbb-general7 years ago

At this rate you will ahve more foollowers than me! Im only around 579 and Ive been here since march and you just joined! wiiw u are also taking advantage of chainBB and i keep forgetting to post to chainbB! Im glad you are taking advantage of it! I want you to be making more than me on steemit!

I just got a big reward! Ima send u a cut of it!

Ima make a post now about my $60 payout just now and how Im deciding to pay you......10SBD or $20 :)
I just sent you 10 SBD please make sure to comment in my new post confirming for everyone that i did indeed send my new friend in Ghana about $20 or 1/3rd of my recent payout for today (from 7 days ago)


Thank you for all the support you have been giving me. It is indeed my greats pleasure to have u as a friend, a partner and a buddy. You are a major contributor in my good luck on steem. I have received the 10 sbd and will convert it to steem so that i can withraw and start makong good use of it. Will be updating you and the community about my progress. Thanks once again for the trust you have shown me.

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