Course of Critical Thinking / Kurz kritického myšlení (# 15) - Bulk Mails / Hromadné e-maily

in #cesky6 years ago (edited)

Statistics do not exist. According to experts, the overwhelming majority of seniors have ever received a bulk email with a fictitious message or a link to the disinformation site. The most common themes are politics and migration. The sender is usually someone they know personally.

The credibility and familiarity of who sends it increases the validity of that information. People believe their closest contacts.

They primarily trust to František, whom they know for thirty years, and they are no longer looking for where the information comes from and if it's true.

Several acquaintances have sent to Marie a reference to an article titled: "Reflecting the presidential election - the fun ends here". In the text, for example, there is sentence: "extremely worrying is the Drahoš's support for the massive Islamization of the Czech Republic, as well as the introduction of hard censorship and punishment of the people for spreading the truth."


I had my sources, but they disappeared yesterday, says the author of disinformation.

The author of the disinformation text is Oldřich Lukáš. He represent himself as an economist, ecologist, educator and etiologist, retired at that time. The Czech Television reporter asked him for his statement, Lukáš agreed to talk on the camera.

reporter: What is the massive Islamization?
Oldřich Lukáš: Are you asking for my resources? I have thousands of them. Respectively, I had them but yesterday someone broke into my computer and a large part of it disappeared.

reporter: I have never heard about Mr. Drahoš talking about his ambitions "to introduce hard censorship".
Lukáš: Um. I saw it on the video.
reporter: On what video?
Lukáš: Some video.
reporter: What video?
Lukáš: Well, it was probably one of his discussions he had with people when he traveled around the republic.

reporter: Punishing people for spreading truth?
Lukáš: Well, that's all related.
reporter: Did he say it on any video?
Lukáš: Yeah, it was on this video too. There was something in that sense.
reporter: Does Mr. Drahoš said he wants to punish people for spreading truth?
Lukáš: Maybe. I do not know if he used the word punish or a any little different.
reporter: You have it here in the text you wrote.
Lukáš: Look, let's talk about the principles and my opinions and the reasons why I wrote it, or you'll catch me for a word? Or you'll want me to bring a batch of evidence to the court?

I do not think that messages and disinformation sites that spreads through emails only targets to seniors. There are many active people around me who believe and forward these information.


"Zdroje jsem měl, ale zrovna včera mi zmizely", říká autor dezinformací. Lživé e-maily cílily na seniory

Doporučuji TUTO část pořadu 168 hodin.

Nemyslím si, že by zprávy, které se šíří přes emaily a dezinformační weby cílily pouze na důchodce. V mém okolí je mnoho lidí v aktivním věku, kteří těmto informacím věří a přeposílají je dál.

Moc by mě zajímala motivace těch lidí, co to šíří. Včera jsem se dívala díky @samotonakatoshi na přednášku anarchokapitalisty Urzy. Moc se mi líbíl jeden dotaz, který lidem položil.

"Když něco hájíte, položte si dotaz - máte argumenty, a proto tomu věříte, nebo tomu věříte, a proto si dohledáváte argumenty?"

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