MovieTalk: Netradične natočené filmy/Non-traditional filmed movies

in #cesky6 years ago

Natočiť v dnešnej dobe zaujímavý film je ťažké. Ešte ťažšie je natočiť ho zaujímavým štýlom. Film môže byť natočený normálne ako každý iný alebo z pohľadu prvej osoby (Hardcore Henry) alebo len na telefóny a ručné kamery (Cloverfield) alebo ako zdielané obrazovky telefónov a PC.


V tomto filme ide o otca ktorému zmizne dcéra a on ju začne hľadať. Celý film je záznam toho čo sa deje na obrazovke PC a telefónov otca a dcéry + záznamy z obrazoviek TV a videí na Youtube. Je to akoby ste si sami natočili nízko nákladový film tak, že si zapnete nahrávanie toho čo sa deje na obrazovke vášho PC a telefónu a potom to zostrihali do filmu. V tomto filme to samozrejme nieje natočené amatérsky a je vidno, že film stál nejaké peniaze a nieje to len projekt z garáže. V roly otca vidíme Harolda z filmu Zahulíme Uvidíme (John Cho) ktorý nieje zlým hercom, jeho výkon je super a aj preto je film veľmi sympatický. Film sa pomerne rýchlo rozbehne. Má rozumnú dĺžku a tak Vás neomrzí a na konci je to jeden WTF moment za druhým. Film, aj keď to nieje jeho prioritou, ukazuje silu sociálnych medií a to ako ľahko o Vás môže niekto zistiť takmer hocičo. Stačí mu na to len heslo do emailu kde si potom cez "Forgotten Password" zmení všetky Vaše heslá na ostatných médiach a tak sa Vám dostane všade. Takže veľmi zaujímavý film hlavne štýlom.

Čo s tým?

Tento štýl natáčania je veľmi osobitý a preto sa týmto štýlom určite nedá natočiť každý film. Respektíve asi aj dá ale uberie to dosť na kvalite. Napríklad môj obľúbený Batman by sa takto asi natočil veľmi ťažko. Aj keď možno ak by sme sa vo filme pozerali na obrazovku PC Batmana v BatCawe a všetku akciu by sme videli len ako záznam videa na youtube ktorý by si pozrel sám Batman alebo Alfred mohlo by to byť dosť zaujímavé. Dobre by to fungovalo ako úvod filmu, ako upútavka, trailer čí ako krátky film ktorý by nás v kine pred iným filmom navnadil na plnohodnotný film. Určite by to ale nemalo kvalitu Nolanovho Batmana ale pozrel by som si to. Tento štýl má svoje obmedzenia ale je to zaujímavý nápad. Viem si ho predstaviť ako komornú drámu, film o únose (ako v prípade tohto filmu Pátranie), o terorizme, o hakeroch a podobne.



Translated from Google Translator

Turning an interesting movie nowadays is difficult. It's even harder to make an interesting style. The film can be filmed normally, either as a first person or by a first person (Hardcore Henry), or just for phones and handheld cameras (Cloverfield) or as shared screens for phones and PCs.

Pátranie / Searching (2018)

This film is about the father whose daughter disappears and he starts looking for it. The entire movie is a record of what's happening on the screen of your father and daughter PCs and phones + TV and video screen recordings on Youtube. It's like shooting a low cost film yourself by turning on recording what's on your PC and phone screen and then cutting it into a movie. In this movie, of course, it is not filmed amateur and it is seen that the movie was worth some money and it is not just a project from the garage. In the roles of our father, we see Harold from the film We Cast We Will (John Cho) who is not a bad actor, his performance is great and that's why the film is very sympathetic. The movie is quite fast. It has a reasonable length, so it does not bother you and at the end it's one WTF moment after another. The film, though it is not its priority, shows the power of social media and how easily someone can find out for you almost anything. All you have to do is pass the e-mail password to change your passwords on other media via "Forgotten Password" so you get it everywhere. So a very interesting film, especially in style.

What about that?

This style of shooting is very distinctive, and so it is definitely not possible to shoot every movie. Respectively, however, it will take a lot of quality. For example, my favorite Batman would probably have made it very difficult. Even though we could watch the Batman Batman PC screen in BatCaw, and we would only see the action as a record of youtube that you would have seen yourself Batman or Alfred could be quite interesting. Well, it would work as an introduction to the film as a trailer, a trailer or a short film that would bring us to a full-fledged film in the cinema. Certainly it would not have the quality of Nolan Batman but I would look at it. This style has its limitations but it's an interesting idea. I can imagine it as a chamber drama, a film about kidnapping (as in the case of this film The Search), about terrorism, about hekeroch, and so on.

The End

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