Cervantes Magazine Number 20: Desynchronized News

in #cervantes7 years ago

[Cervantes Magazine – Number 20]

A woman's survival instinct prevented her from dying squashed to the ground after a fall of more than twenty floors. The facts are still somewhat confusing, the testimonies of several eyewitnesses, and the statement of the woman herself, are those who have made the news appear in all the covers.

According to the protagonist of this extraordinary story, it was a toy car of her son, forgotten somewhere on the terrace, the reason that the thirty-six-year-old from Barcelona fell into the void after making, what she has described as a bad step.

Without realizing it, she put her foot on the miniature vehicle and the wheels of it did the rest. The Catalan lost her balance with the misfortune of falling backwards against the railing of the parapet of the terrace. Due to the inertia of the impulse, she turned on her lower back and fell into the void. When she realized it, the railing was too far away to be able to grab hold of it, since her journey to the ground was proceeding at great speed and the terrace was already far from her reach.

According to her own account, as soon as she was aware of the tragic situation she felt invaded by a strong desire to continue living, a sensation she had never experienced before. Something so strong that it changed the course of what, according to the laws of physics, must have occurred.

It's hard to explain, but my brain stopped working. I had no thought. My friends have asked me if I was not afraid to know that I was going to die, they wanted to know what I was thinking at that time. But the funny thing is that i did not think anything. I only felt things. Things that I can not express with words. I felt the whole life inside me. And not only inside of me but in all things. I noticed how life came from everywhere, traversing me, forming a part of my own being, of my son, who was drawing several floors above. That's when it happened.

I wanted to go up, stop falling and return to my house to be with my son again. I did not think about death, I did not think about the ground, I did not think about anything. I just felt. And what I felt at that moment was that I did not want to be where I was, I wanted to go back home and feel safe again.

Then she stopped falling. According to the people who watched in astonishment the rapid fall of that body from the top of the building, it stopped only a few meters from the sidewalk. And almost immediately began to rise, as if they pulled gently. She did not seem to make any effort for this strange phenomenon to happen. She did not even look down, said a neighbor. Soon she rested on her terrace, as if a delicate jump had been made.

At first I didn’t give it much importance. As soon as my feet felt my weight again, I entered the house. My son pounced on me. We merged in a hug full of love. Then I gave thanks to life for giving me the opportunity to continue being part of it.

The woman has not wanted to submit to any of the analyzes and examinations that have been proposed. She has rejected all the interviews she has received from television and the only testimony she has offered is the email she sent to the editorial office of Cervantes Magazine.

She has assured us that she is sure not to have any superpower or anything like that. She also says that if she tried to fly again she would not get it, since she does not fly. In his own words:

The only thing I did was to want to live above all things. And so it was.

The instinct of survival along with the power of the mind and who knows what other mysteries of nature, unknown to mankind, prevented certain death. Facts like this make us rethink, once again, the meaning of life and what is all of this we called Universe.

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Amazing! But sometimes instinct prevents from danger. This is why they say 'listen to that silent inner voice' and always be positive

Wise advise. The inner voice has to be listened always.

Hola @trenz . El instinto de supervivencia actúa muchas veces de manera increíble. vemos como gente han salido ilesos de accidentes sólo por el instinto de supervivencia que los hace reaccionar de una manera casi sobrenatural. Saludos!

Muy cierto. Creo que no sabemos hasta donde puede llegar nuestros instinto.

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