Hidden (Poem) // Escondido (Poema)

in #cervantes4 years ago



Escondido en las olas

planto besos

con sabor a amapolas

                         de casas grandes

                                   de puertas abiertas

                         de lluvias cálidas

y de peces azules

                    para ti

Los escondo entre los peñeros

los dejo en forma de red

se los doy a los pescadores

               que salen a buscarte en la madrugada

                              en estos inviernos infernales

               donde todo es opaco

para que pinte tu cielo

de color feliz

               con pompas de jabón

                              y nubes de jazmín

                    con este secreto que panto entre las olas

                                                                                para ti

Hidden in the waves

I plant kisses

               poppy flavored

                         of big houses

                                   open door

                    of hot rains

and blue fish

            for you.

I hide them among the peñeros

I leave them in the form of a net

I give them to the fishermen

                        they come looking for you at dawn

                                    in these hellish winters

                              where everything is opaque

so they paint your sky

happy color

                  with soap bubbles

                        and jasmine clouds

                                    With this secret that I stand among the waves

                                                                        for you.


Muy bueno, felicitaciones.

Muchas gracias. Saludos

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