Cervantes Magazine Number 24: Trending

in #cervantes6 years ago

88.8% of 10-year-olds use the Internet, how many are on Steemit making money from their rooms?

Steemit is a Social Network that combines the creation of multimedia content, online interaction, and the use of a cryptocurrency called STEEM. Basically, it is a platform in which users get economic rewards for publishing content and the interactions they make with other users.

The only two requirements for opening an account in Steemit ​​are, a telephone number and an email address. The same source i mentioned states that, at age 11, half of the children have a cell phone, at 12 the percentage grows to 75% and it is at 13 years when it reaches almost 90%.

In other words, 9 out of 10 CHILDREN of 13 YEARS have a REAL chance of opening an account in Steemit. At what age is an individual no longer considered a child? That is another debate.



So far, there is NO specific age control policy or a legal framework applied by countries to authorize their children to open an account in Steemit (Some European countries do it with Facebook).



A 10 - 13 years old child is vulnerable to the aberrations of Social Networks; false friendships, violence, pornography, advertising, etc. but, have we stopped and think, how many of these children are generating profits behind their parents' backs? Is that good or bad?

We may be at the beginning of a new era, where children will no longer be independent only in the management of their privacy and public image (as it already happens), they will also be independent in terms of building their own economy.

In Spain, access to social networks is "regulated" by Article 13 of the Organic Law 1/1982 on the Civil Protection of the Right to Honor, to Personal Privacy Family and the Self Image, it indicates that you must be at least 14 years old to register, under authorization from their parents, in a social network. However, parents often don’t learn about their children's activities on the network.

In Latin America, the reality is somewhat more extreme. In most countries there is no regulation on the use and abuse of Social Networks. Any boy or girl has the same cultural and legal possibilities to create the accounts that he/she considers necessary for his/her "entertainment".

"Analyzing this predicament is not easy; not only because of the complexity of reaching a balance between the rights of the child, the
protection of personal data and freedom of expression, but also because the expectations of citizens -according to the countries- raise emphasis and demands in a different sense". Redes Sociales y Privacidad del Menor. Fundación Solventia — Editorial Reus, 2011.

What do you think?

Do you think that Steemit is properly filtering the participation and monetization by children?

How many of the whales or dolphins that we see are managed by children? Do we have enough data to think that this scenario is impossible?

What should be the role of parents in Steemit?

What should Steemit change to solve this big problem of ALL social networks?

What are the opinions of children under 14 who have read this article? Is my thinking becoming conservative and I’m not looking any further?



I have decided we can finish this article in the comments section, with your thoughts and new ideas that arise from the interaction.

In another post I will publish ALL your opinions and quote you. I thank you in advance for accepting this invitation to reflection and analysis.

Everything is to improve our beloved network and protect the most valuable thing we have in this world, childhood.

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