(Competition 44). Creating a story based on a digital art image.

in #cervantes5 years ago (edited)

Digital art image of @xpilar

Spheres of light, the strange place

Suddenly I opened my eyes and did not understand anything, only strange colors that seemed withering, I do not lie, I wanted to reach them and feel that they were, were they just light or had some kind of heat. I got up slowly, stealthy with my eyes fixed, the bursts of colors changed every so often.

I walked looking up as I was hypnotized, that light invited me as if it were a moth that goes to the light and burns, reaches the edge and tries to jump, but, high, an invisible wall prevented the passage, hit the face and it felt cold, I looked outside and in amazement I saw that they were spheres, each with a different color and in each one I saw people who like me glued their faces to the glass.

In an instant the sphere in which I was opened at the top, I don't know where they were throwing unconscious people, a hand deposits them in each sphere, we look like laboratory rats and that hand will be that of a scientist ?; When I fell I ran to see them, for me relief they were fine, now I just have to devise the way to escape with all of them and rescue people from the following spheres.


Esferas de luz, el extraño lugar 

De pronto abrí los ojos y no entendía nada, solo extraños colores que parecía fulminantes, no miento, quería alcanzarlos y sentir que eran, acaso eran solo luz o tenían algún tipo de calor. Me levanté despacio, sigilosa con la mirada fija, las ráfagas de colores cambiaban a cada tanto. 

Camine mirando hacia arriba ya que estaba hipnotizada, esa luz me invitaba como si fuese una polilla que va a la luz y se quema, llegue hasta el borde y trate de saltar, pero, alto, una pared invisible impedía el paso, pegue la cara y se sentía fría, fije la mirada al exterior y con asombro vi que eran esferas, cada una con distinto color y en cada una veía gente que al igual yo pegaban sus rostros al cristal. 

En un instante la esfera en la que me hallaba se abrió en la parte superior, no se de donde lanzaban gente inconsciente, una mano los deposita en cada esfera, parecemos ratas de laboratorio y esa mano será la de un científico?; al caer corrí a verlos, para mí alivio estaban bien, ahora solo me resta idear la forma de escapar con todos ellos y rescatar a la gente de las siguientes esferas.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://ordurous-fences.000webhostapp.com/2020/01/competition-44-creating-a-story-based-on-a-digital-art-image

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