Cervantes Magazine Number 20: Videogames

in #cervantes6 years ago (edited)

[Cervantes Magazine – Vol 20]

Hello, Steemit community! Instincts are reactions that can help in our favor when we are in situations of danger, pressure or despair. Although people want to separate this topic because we are "civilized", something we can not deny is that in the end we are animals and however intelligent or reasonable we may be, we sometimes succumb to our animal side and in the case of Pro - Gamers this can be used in their favor to perform unthinkable and legendary actions.

Now entering the topic of Video Games, Has ever happened to you that while playing X game you suddenly make an impossible play that allows you to pass a certain obstacle?. In my case it happens many times when I’m in a moment of pressure, when I want something that I have not been able to achieve for hours, when my pride is among the reasons for not exceeding that goal and a few other factors that if we analyze it in depth, have to do with Instinct.

Months ago I thought this attitude was something isolated, that it did not have a definition as such, until one day I saw a video from Youtuber DayoScript explaining why the Cuphead game was spectacular. this state of trance where the person achieves the impossible in the world of video games is called by the Youtuber and other sources, THE ZONE.

What is the ZONE?

The most accurate and simple definition that I have found to date comes from a website called Urban Dictionary, where it literally says the following:

A state of mind that can arise with little difficulty. When you reach the zone, your mind is 100% focused on what you are doing and you have a massive increase in performance. The common place to reach the zone is during sports and video games.

Dayo explains in his video that the term was discovered in one of the many volumes created by the EDGE magazine, BUT, I did not find that reference, so I had to use slightly less certified sources to try to find a definition.

There are thousands of examples of how to enter the Zone most of them are not captured by video (Like Spontaneous Combustion), BUT, unlike the example named, there IS a film evidence of entering the Zone. This feat was recorded for history during the Evolution Championship Series 2004 in the following video

Official Evo Moment #37, Daigo vs Justin Evo 2004 in HD --- evo2kvids

Para entrar en materia, en el juego Street Fighter III: Third Strike se podía realizar una jugada llamada “Parry” la cual solo se podía usar haciendo ciertos movimientos con el mando y oprimiendo botones en una secuencia específica en un momento determinado. El resultado de conseguir esto era bloquear perfectamente un golpe del rival sin perder vida el personaje.

Some explaining:, in the game Street Fighter III: Third Strike you could make a move called "Parry" which could only be used by making certain movements with the control and pressing buttons in a specific sequence at a certain time . The result of achieving this was to perfectly block a hit from the opponent without losing the character's life.

In the case of Daigo, his character (Ken) was at 34 hp, literally a sigh was enough for him to lose the match, so he was against the wall by Chung Li (Justin’s character) who did a "Special Combo", to attack Ken and the epic Daigo performed not 1 or 2 or 3 combinations of Parries but 15 in a row, so he could end the Justin’s morale and counterattack thus winning the championship of that year and entering history.

This is a clear example of how the brain enters into a kind of trance when certain situations occur and the player takes out a hidden potential that he himself didn’t know he had. This is an interesting way to make a comparison with instincts because when under pressure any animal gets the best of itself to win or die in the attempt.

Entering The Zone is an almost magical experience because when you break the state you ask yourself, "I was able to do this alone ?, it's a way of seeing that sometimes we resort to mental barriers that destroy our maximum potential and once in a while if we don’t think so much and only act, we can solve impossible and unthinkable things!

Finally I will share the video from the Youtuber where he explains the Zone and how Cuphead is a game where you need to enter this trance at some point so you can pass certain difficult scenarios in order complete the game.

Cuphead [Análisis] - Post Script --- DayoScript

This is a testimony from a user who entered the Zone several times.

This is an article which explains how to enter the Zone

The magazine thanks you for having taken some time to read this Post, we hope that this information has been useful and we suggest you keep an eye on the next publication, as there is still more material to cut on the subject of Cryptocurrencies and the World of Video Games.

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Excelente articulo, creo que lo leí en unos de tus post, en donde hablas sobre que el ser humano siempre responde a sus instintos cuando se encuentra en cualquier determinado momento. Muy bueno amigo Felices fiestas de carnavales. Hoy publique un poema relacionado a los carnavales, muy bueno, pero lo mejor amigo la imagen que la acompaña fue creada por mi, y es primera vez en mi vida que hago algo así, todo gracias a esta plataforma que lo invita a uno ir creciendo y a hacer las cosas mejores para que los lectores como usted se deleiten con el trabajo plasmado, gracias por su apoyo incondicional.

Es que usted como creador de contenido tiene que empezar a usar herramientas que posiblemente desconocía, lo bueno de este tipo de trabajos es que uno se vuelve mas recursivo ante los problemas que alguien con un trabajo fijo que tiene el "alivio" de recibir un sueldo.

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