Cervantes Magazine Number 18: Videogames

[Cervantes Magazine – Vol 18]

Hello, Steemit community! I think that more than one of you has heard the popular saying "Too much of anything is bad" as a warning that if you obsess over something, possibly this same thing will harm you in the future and in the world of videogames It is very easy to get to this point. The problem is that sometimes you don’t have time to regret, because the obsession can take you to the grave.

More than 13 years ago, I got to know the game Starcraft from the company Blizzard Entertainment, which is one of the video game sagas that I have enjoyed like never before. At the time I could only access the game thanks to Piracy, since the sequel Starcraft 2, became available, I bought each of the Trilogy campaigns except for the special missions of Nova: NOVA COVERT OPS (i will buy soon). Although it seems that I’m rambling, I do it on purpose because the reason for knowing this game is linked to the death of an Asian gamer, a story that came out in the local newspaper.

I remember vaguely that the headline said: Asian player dies after playing 40 hours in a row on the computer and the image that accompanied the news was the following:


I don’t remember exactly the content of the news, I remember that little, but what is left in my mind, apart from the image, was that said gamer lasted about 3 days in the Internet Café, just got up to go to the bathroom He never rested or ate anything and in the end his body collapsed and he died.

Today I tried to find that story and the closest thing I found is a 2005 case whose protagonist was Lee Seung Seop, who lived in South Korea. He left everything he did to become a recognized Starcraft player (For those who don’t know, in the Asian Region that particular game is literally a national sport recognized and highly valued, so the preparation and social pressure that falls on the Gamer, can be the same or worse if compared to a soccer player in my country, Colombia.)

As a Gamer I recognize that many times my hobby over video games clouds my mind, sometimes I concentrate on a game and I can last hours and hours without sleeping and eating because I am 100% into it. This case could be said to be the end of things, a point where passion becomes obsession and, like every mortal human being, this type of constant stress and prolonged fatigue has consequences and these situations occur

Seop has not been the only one who has starred in these sad stories, there are more cases in different games and we can see it in the following news: Fatal video games; 10 cases of deaths with gamers involved.

Personally I'm not happy about the fact that a life had to end so I could know this game, but it creates a situation for one to reflect if you are staggering in the thin line between life and death because of the passion that every day fills you with joy BUT at the same time generates a small addiction that if you don’t have it under control, can make you end up being the protagonist of this kind of stories.

Video games have been very influential in my life, thanks to them I have enjoyed many things, BUT, one must set limits to certain situations that generate conflicts in your environment and affects health.

The magazine thanks you for having taken some time to read this Post, we hope that this information has been useful and we suggest you keep an eye on the next publication, as there is still more material to cut on the subject of Cryptocurrencies and the World of Video Games.

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Limits are necessary almost in all aspects of life. Good job with this post, sorry that people die for this obsession.

buen post drakko...sigueme y te sigo

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