in #cervantes3 years ago

Hola a todos y de todo corazon les deceo un exelente y bendecido dia, una dia mas, para quede en la historia, explayado en estas lineas, las cuales al estar gravadas en el sistema y donde interactuamos, es como dejar un pedasito de nosotros, porque la verdad es esa, son letras que forman palabras y esas palabras fraces, que salen de nuestra experiencia de vida que nos hace crecer mas en todo sentido mas en la parte intelectual, lo digo asi porque todos aprendemos de todos y en lo personal esa es la mejor manera para mi, para poder seguir subsistiendo e integrando el sistema, que hace que el mundo siga dando vueltas.

En esta publicacion dejare un pedasito de historia, resulta que ibamos de viaje hacia la provincia de MISIONES, ARGENTINA, hacia el norte, partiendo desde la provincia de BUENOS AIRES, todo bien y tranquilo, hasta que el tiempo comenzo a cambiar bruscamente, el sol se nublo, es como si llegara la noche repentinamente.



Daba la casualidad que justo en ese momento estabamos ingresando a la provincia de CORRIENTES, ARGENTINA, en un pueblo llamado ALVEAR, es pequeño, por lo menos desde la ruta se lo ve de esa manera.



Para ese entonces las nubes blancas y celestes habian pasado a ser oscuras casi negras y el dia comenzo a transformarse en noches, ya estabamos casi en el centro de dicho publo, luego de pasar por una parte donde las casas se veian muy precarias, como en todo pueblo del interior, siempre es asi , las viviendas que rodean los publos son muy precarias de gente humilde.




Asi que ya en la avenida principal, que daba el ingreso hacia lo que seria el centro, cada ves hera mas amenazante dicha tormenta, menos mal que no habia mucho viento, como es costumbre de las tormentas, esta hera pro suerte mas moderada, en lo personal y en base a mi experiencia, mi intuicion me decia que no lloveria, que seria algo pasajero, que pronto pasaria de largo.



Asi que amigos tomando las precausiones del caso y ante la inminente amenaza de dicha tormenta, llegamos en el centro de dicho pueblo con la intencion de hacer una pausa en el viaje, buscando un hotel para descansar, y obiar la tormente que para ese entonces ya hera una oscuridad total.


Como les habia dicho anteriormente en base a mi experiencia de vida, la tormenta se fue calmando y paso de largo, volviendo el dia nuevamente, como si fuera un nuevo amancer y todo volvio a la normalidad, comenzaron a circular mas vehiculo y mas personas, las cuales se habian resguardados por dicho fenomeno, que en desfinitiva no paso a mayores, pienso que la MADRE NATURALEZA, tubo un poco de piedad jajajaja, para que no continue esa tormenta la cual se mostraba muy amenazadora.

Entonces ya mas tranquilos todos y todo en calma, por suerte y gracias a dios, me resta solamente esperar que luego de que lpasen por mi post y lo lean, dejen sus apreciados comentarios.


Hello everyone and with all my heart I wish you an excellent and blessed day, one more day, to remain in history, elaborated on these lines, which being recorded in the system and where we interact, is like leaving a little piece of us, Because the truth is that, they are letters that form words and those words are phrases that come out of our life experience that makes us grow more in every sense more in the intellectual part, I say it like this because we all learn from each other and personally that It is the best way for me, to be able to continue subsisting and integrating the system, which keeps the world going around.

In this publication I will leave a bit of history, it turns out that we were going on a trip to the province of MISIONES, ARGENTINA, heading north, starting from the province of BUENOS AIRES, all good and quiet, until the weather began to change abruptly, the sun clouded over, it's as if night came suddenly.

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It so happened that just at that moment we were entering the province of CORRIENTES, ARGENTINA, in a town called ALVEAR, it is small, at least from the road you can see it that way.

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By then the white and celestial clouds had turned dark almost black and the day began to transform into nights, we were almost in the center of said town, after passing through a part where the houses looked very precarious, as in Every town in the interior is always like this, the houses that surround the towns are very precarious of humble people.

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So now on the main avenue, which led to what would be the center, every time the storm was more threatening, thank goodness that there was not much wind, as is the custom of storms, this was luckily more moderate, in The personal and based on my experience, my intuition told me that it would not rain, that it would be something temporary, that it would soon pass by.

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So friends, taking the precautions of the case and before the imminent threat of said storm, we arrived in the center of said town with the intention of pausing the trip, looking for a hotel to rest, and obviate the storm that by then already It was total darkness.

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As I had told you previously based on my life experience, the storm calmed down and passed by, returning the day again, as if it were a new dawn and everything returned to normal, more vehicles and more people began to circulate, which had been sheltered by said phenomenon, which ultimately did not grow older, I think that MOTHER NATURE, had a little mercy hahahaha, so that the storm which was very threatening does not continue.

Then everyone and everything calm, luckily and thank God, I can only hope that after they go through my post and read it, they leave their appreciated comments.



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