La Lealtad / The loyalty.

La Lealtad.
lealtad a los que te siguen y la lealtad de tus seguidores, hace tiempo estuve leyendo un post de un participante al cual sigo aquí en steemit, ella decía que es importante para las personas que estamos comenzando en esta gran comunidad comentar post, dar opiniones y votos a publicaciones que se considere y también hacer una breve presentación comunicándole a esa persona que uno era nuevo y que por lo general solita una sugerencia, un apoyo a través de una repuesta un comentario o un voto ya que esto te motiva y te mantiene conectada a esta gran red.
Hay que ser leal a tus seguidores por lo menos ver sus trabajos y comentarles algo eso motiva yo particularmente lo hago de echo me he quedado sin poder de votos por estar colaborando con ellos, sin embargo también he notado que aquellos que tienen un alto porcentaje de seguidores y puntuaciones les hacen caso o miso a los votos que tu le das y ni siquiera te responden los comentarios positivos que les das, amigos esta es una red donde debemos apoyarnos, somos una familia, y el apoyo es importante, quiero que se entienda que no estoy obligando a la gente que me dé su voto, no estoy obligando a la gente que comente lo poco que publico, solo estoy tratando de que hagan una reflexión y recuerden que ellos tienes ese poder de votos y esa puntuación gracias a personas como nosotros que estamos comenzando aquí y que nunca dudamos en darles un apoyo, sean humildes, sean considerados, recuerden "Todo lo que sube en algún momento puede bajar" hay un dicho que dice "No muerdas la mano a quien te da de comer"

loyalty to those who follow you and the loyalty of your followers, some time ago I was reading a post from a participant to which I am still here in steemit, she said it is important for the people that are starting in this great community to comment post, give opinions and votes to publications that are considered and also make a brief presentation communicating to that person that one was new and that usually only a suggestion, a support through a reply a comment or a vote as this motivates you and keeps you connected to this great network.
You have to be loyal to your followers to at least see their work and tell them something that motivates me, particularly I do in fact I have run out of votes for being collaborating with them, however I have also noticed that those who have a high percentage of followers and scores do or miss the votes you give them and do not even respond to the positive comments you give them, friends, this is a network where we must support ourselves, we are a family, and support is important, I want it to be understood I'm not forcing people to give me their vote, I'm not forcing people to comment on what little I post, I'm just trying to make them reflect and remember that they have that power of votes and that score thanks to people like we who are starting here and who never hesitate to give them a support, be humble, be considerate, remember "Everything that rises at some point can come down" there is a saying that says "Do not bite your hand aq he gives you something to eat "


I agree with what you wrote, I hope many new steemians take your advice. Thank you for providing an english translation.

Hello how are you, thank you very much for reading, I think it is the way to contribute a grain of sand to this great family, before hand I thank you very much for supporting me with your vote since part of this profit is for a foundation of children in extreme poverty living in a very humble neighborhood here in La Guaira Venezuela, I will be a follower of your account and I will be aware of your publications, we are in contact

Impressive English Translation. I do agree with you @esquinacreativa

Keep steeming!

Sí, no están obligados a votar por ti, pero es descortés desde mi punto de vista que dejen algún comentario sin responder.

Good afternoon, of course I agree with what you say, they are not obliged to vote for your publications, but being a court is something different, that is also a way to support, to motivate the Steemians that are entering continue in this great platform, look I will set a great example, I am Spanish speaking and I have thanked people who give me their vote and they are from China bean, I also do the translation and I thank them, that's all, that's why I strongly agree with the answer you give me, that's why I thank you deeply to vote and I will be your follower, have a happy day

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