ACCESSING THE BEAST: CERN, AI & Quantum Computing -- Anthony Patch

in #cern7 years ago


Anthony Patch joins me to discuss CERN, AI, Quantum computing and the elite agenda to split the veil and access the beast.

Please visit Anthony's site and subscribe to his magazine ENTANGLED to learn more.

LUKE 8:17
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Thank YOU for tuning in!


Hi Sean. Im been following for years. Thanks to you im now in Steemit.
Ceep upp the hard work. Your ambision is very inpresing and thank you for everything. Stay strong.

Hi Sean, these leading occultists are performing as well as celebrating black magic everywhere. This is what Freemasonry is all about even if the underlings and the public don't understand it. Quantum computers are basically highly advanced scrying tools like a Ouija Board that allow demonic entities to manifest, communicate, and do work in this world. You can think of them a bit like like massively parallel magick circles / pentagrams. They are massively parallel quantum spaces designed to summon and capture demonic entities just like in Goethe's Faust so that they will solve problems for the operator of them. However, just like Goethe's Mephistopheles, they demand payment in return and I can guarantee you that their payment will paid through our future enslavement. (If you think the above is just BS, then have a read of Geordie Rose and his comments on the "entities" D(emon)-Wave and Kindred (Spirits) are working to bring into our world.)

Let me also point out something else that Anthony briefly touches upon. There is a massive push to store all data on the blockchain, with or without avatars, so as to make all of this data available in a massive central datastore across the globe. Add quantum computing to this mix, and this data, whether encrypted in the blockchain or not, is now globally accessible and available for all their purposes. Blockchain was never intended for personal data storage, it was designed as public ledger for shared global transaction processing. They intend to turn it into the world's largest database holding every personal information imaginable for their easy access.

Let's connect a few dots here to wrap up. The Pillar project (which Clif High has been pushing as a favorite) is a platform to hold all this personal data. The Pillar project is a sub-project of the 2030 Project which is eerily similar in naming and direction to UN Agenda 2030. The Pillar project is named after an occult reference know as the The Third Pillar or Third Way. It is a Kabbalistic reference to Problem, Reaction, Solution or the Hegelian Dialectic of Thesis, Anthesis, Synthesis. The goal of Pillar and similar projects is to get people to put all their data on the blockchain for easy sharing and access under the guise that it will be secure there.. it won't be.. no chance. It is just a lure of convenience as I write about in my recent post on how the "value parasites" of society look to ensnare us in their traps. If you want to understand more about Pillar, its symbolism and its real agenda, you must have a read of my previous post here on Pillar and what it really is.

Sean, I appreciate that you are christian and so is your guest. However, it is difficult, as a nonchristian, to listen to a man describe what he thinks god and satan are doing and thinking (28 steps, 6 steps, etc).

Sean, if you want to stick to your mantra of "real news", then please encourage more solid facts, rather than religious opinion.

If you're a critical thinker and I am sure you are, you'll know that I'm not attacking you, I'm trying to give you advice. I can support you for trying to take down the deep state pedos and human traffickers. But I find myself cringing with interviews like this, when you alienate me as a nonchristian listener.

People do not need to be religious to want to improve the world. Whether you want to read it or not, religion is extremely divisive and works against people coming together in harmony. People go to war for the glory of their gods and pray that god will be on their side.

You WILL lose support from some people who find it difficult to listen to the religious speculation to try and sift through the facts of the message.

It's your channel, you're free to run it how you like, just as we can choose whether or not we really are listening to "real news".

This discussion has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with a massive spiritual battle that is going on - a spiritual battle that is literally using techno-magickal means to manipulate humanity. No one is telling you that you need to join a religion, but they are telling you that there is battle that is far more than just physical happening here. If people don't want to hear that message, that's really too bad, but the truth must be told. I for one am very glad to see that Sean has the courage to speak about it truthfully and openly. Frankly, I suggest you put on your "big boy pants" and deal with it.

SGT, have you guys noticed where the new smart cities are going to be ? Like Bill Gates new real estate purchase in Arizona for his new high tech smart city ? Adapt 2030 also spoke of the elite buys land in desert environments. Along with a warm place and changing rainfall patterns the reason why they are buying up desert land for the smart grid city is "NO TREES". Trees obstruct the 5 G wave a lot. And they would have to go off the charts with their micro-wave settings of 10. Just to drive their crazy cars. This 5 G is very needs routers all over the place just to complete phone calls. And the trees next to these boxes are showing radation damage outwardly for all to see.

To Christian soldiers - Remmeber your duties . Get your sword and shield ready ❗️For it is our duty to defend the innocent ❗️GODS ARMOR will protect us . Great show Sean , please do have your guest on again 👏👍♥️✌🏼👊🏻

Sean, you really need to interview Max Igan and The Crow House

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