SATAN & LUCIFER CERN AI : Dark side of Antimatter Future Portal Systems of Alien Light Cubes

in #cern6 years ago (edited)

The facility at CERN is home to the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, known as the Large Hadron Collider. Technologies such as Super Colliders SSC/CERN, which may serve several purposes or other dual purpose technologies that we are being lied to about to the public but we can look into some things. Some say there is ancient science magick behind CERN other mysteries include the biggest mysteries like Stargates and the Illuminati's Plan for Satan's Arrival and the Strong Delusion's which maybe connected to Psychological Operations.

Recreating the conditions just after the Big Bang is what most believe CERN is doing, while others believe that the manipulation of matter at a quantum level is theoretically a manipulation of time, and thus see the LHC as a “Time Machine”. Some believe it because of possible unprecedented thermal release, the LHC could well become a “Time Bomb." Simplistically, the experiment will propel the smallest bits of matter to 99.9% the speed of light. By sending these particles in separate directions through a massive tunnel, exploding, releasing and observing them micro seconds before they form new particles. The hunt for the elusive Higgs-Boson particle is also know as finding The God Particle which is a divine spark and a very masculine sounding event.

SATAN (Solar Axion Telescopic ANtenna)
CERN proposed and carried out quantum Vortex experiments searching for Solar Axions, which are hypothetical particles that are components of dark matter. In order to find these Axions CERN proposed the use of a decommissioned magnet called SATAN. It was an acronym for Solar Axion Telescopic Antenna. Stephen Hawking had previously stated that The God Particle' could wipe out the Universe.

Axion is a hypothetical weakly-interacting boson of mass << 200 keV. Its existence would resolve what is known as the strong-CP problem in quantum chromodynamics. Such a particle would efficiently transport energy out of stars or out of supernova cores. Axions are also prime "cold dark matter candidates."
Mass 10−5 to 10−3 eV/c2
Decay width 109 to 1012 GeV/c2
Electric charge and Spin =0

EBL - Electron-beam lithography is often abbreviated as e-beam lithography which is the practice of scanning a focused beam of electrons to draw custom shapes on a surface covered with an electron-sensitive film called a resist (exposing). The electron beam changes the solubility of the resist, enabling selective removal of either the exposed or non-exposed regions of the resist by immersing it in a solvent (developing). The purpose, as with photolithography, is to create very small structures in the resist that can subsequently be transferred to the substrate material, often by etching. The primary advantage of electron-beam lithography is that it can draw custom patterns (direct-write) with sub-10 nm resolution. This form of maskless lithography has high resolution and low throughput, limiting its usage to photomask fabrication, low-volume production of semiconductor devices, and research and development.

High-Z- Explorer of Diffuse high-z Galactic Emission is a balloon-borne experiment being developed by Stephan Meyer and collaborators to survey the far-infrared background emission with 6' resolution and frequency coverage from 150 GHz to 1.3 THz. The primary goal of EDGE is to characterize the power spectrum of fluctuations in the CIBR at large angular scales. The instrument will also provide a detailed characterization of the high galactic latitude dust emission. The addition of polarization sensitivity, now under study (I would say an essential feature of any respectable continuum instrument in this millenium), would give the best characterization of the diffuse emission from the Milky Way and external galaxies. Differences in flux and polarization spectra from one external galaxy to the next are also predicted (by RH) and could be studied with a polarization-sensitive EDGE measurement.

EGRET- Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope is an instrument on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO), launched 1991. EGRET made a complete survey of the sky from 30 MeV to 10 GeV. EGRET showed the high-energy gamma-ray sky to be surprisingly dynamic and diverse, with sources ranging from the sun and moon to massive black holes at large redshifts. Most of the gamma-ray sources detected by EGRET remain unidentified. EGRET will be succeeded by GLAST.

MACHOs are Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects and these are candidates for the dark matter in galaxy halos, with masses in the range from brown dwarfs to white dwarfs. With the possible exception of primordial black hole MACHOs, they would likely be baryonic dark matter. Several experiments have been carried out and others are underway to detect MACHOs through their gravitational microlensing (amplification) of the light from background stars, first using the LMC as a background and more recently using Andromeda. A number of microlensing events toward the LMC were detected, but their interpretation is uncertain. As much as 30% of the dark matter in the Milky Way halo could be in the form of MACHOs.

PIQUE A completed effort that has provided a sensitive limit on the polarized microwave anisotropy, in both Q and U, on a small ring around the North Celestial Pole. It used a correlation polarimeter and served as a validation of the technique and the basis for a new expanded effort, CAPMAP. PIQUE -- usually pronounced as in "My interest is piqued" -- stands for the Princeton I, Q, and U Experiment. (For information about I, Q, and U, see Stokes parameters.

SPT South Pole Telescope is a 8-meter off-axis telescope recently funded by the NSF to be built at the NSF Amundson-Scott South Pole Station. This telescope is to be used for a large (4000 deg2 SZE survey to measure the abundance and evolution of galaxy clusters from redshift z >= 2 to the nearby universe. The goal is to measure the equation of state of the dark energy with high precision. The Center will build a state-of-the-art 1000-element bolometer receiver operating at 140 GHz in collaboration with the UC Berkeley detector development group. Stokes parameters- A set of four parameters, I, Q, U, V, that describe completely the state of polarization of a beam of radiation and Reduced Stokes parameters are q Q/I, u U/I, v V/I. The degree of polarization, P, is related to q and u by P2 = q2 + u2.

UHECR- Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays is somewhat vague term. (100 MeV used to be high energy.) In current cosmospeak, it usually means >~ 1017eV, i.e., close to and above the point where the spectrum steepens. The Auger experiment is aimed directly at this UHE component.

VERITAS- Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System an acronym made to spell truth. VERITAS is a new major ground-based gamma-ray observatory with an array of seven 10 meter optical reflectors for gamma-ray astronomy in the energy range of 50 GeV – 50 TeV. The design will be based on the design of the existing 10 meter gamma-ray telescope of the Whipple Observatory at Mt Hopkins. The telescopes will be deployed such that they permit the maximum versatility and will give the highest sensitivity in the 50 GeV – 50 TeV band (with best sensitivity from 100 GeV to 10 TeV). In this band, critical measurements will be made of SNRs (super nova remnants) and
AGNs (active galactic nuclei). This VHE (very high energy) observatory will effectively complement GLAST. The Center's interest in VERITAS is mainly as a dark matter annihilation detector and the neutralino annihilations generate a clear gamma-ray signal and will serve as a "constrainer" of theories beyond the standard model such as changes in the speed of light, violations of Lorentz Invariance, and the existence of large extra dimensions.

space stargate demon cern .jpg

The Shiva Nataraja stature was a gift from India to mark the partnership between CERN and several of their organizations. It's quite heavy in symbolism, but it is not destruction. Shiva's a more complex deity than that with numerous forms and aspects both gentle and fierce (most of the symbolism CTs put on the statue is closer to common presentations of Kali, not Shiva, who despite his association with destruction and endings is generally a benevolent deity). The dancing Shiva specifically represents change, not destruction.

CERN is hinting at the release of the fallen angel Abaddon Apollyon which coincidentally also means “the Destroyer” is honored at CERN. We also know from Greco-Roman myth as Kronos/Saturn. The deity was a god of both light and darkness; called Osiris in Egypt, his brother Set merely representing Osiris’ dark side—two aspects of a single being. The same pattern of light/dark duality is found in the Zoroastrian deities Ahura-mazda and Angra Mainyu; and in Sanskrit writings, Vishnu and Shiva.

The Dancing Shiva represents the changes in the universe around us, as matter and energy constantly bump into each other, create and destroy systems and keep renewing the world. I suppose we can attach any meaning we like to this, the constant chatter of culture, the renewal of our population as people die and children and born, the violent cosmological events that keep reorganizing the universe. Any and all of these interpretations are beautiful, powerful and majestic, but for me there is one interpretation which excites me more than any other and holds a very deep truth in it. This cosmic dance is the interaction of matter and antimatter.

Whenever we create new particles we create them in matter-antimatter pairs. They are literally equal and opposite components that make up everything we see. When they meet, they destroy each other in a burst of energy. If that was all there was to matter and antimatter, it would make a rather beautiful cosmic ballet, but not an interesting one. The fascinating part of the story is when we remember that we have more matter than antimatter, which means that this particular cosmic ballet is unbalanced, and the statue is a constant reminder of this fact.
20th-century scholar wrote that Saturn used to be a sun, then declined from solar status sometime in ancient history, thus the myths of Osiris becoming Lord of the underworld, and Kronos being cast into Tartarusa sun-god becoming an underworld god. The planet Saturn remains the furthest from the sun of the seven classical planets, thus it represents darkness. This fall from heavenly status is eerily similar to the Judeo-Christian scriptures about Lucifer becoming Satan, light becoming dark. Saturn was the god of time, often called Old Father Time. This equates him with the sun-god because the Sun is the principal timepiece of our world. Apollo is the same sun-god, depicted as fighting a giant serpent called Python, or Typhon the Nordic myth of Thor slaying the Midgard Serpent a personification of the perpetual battle between day and night.

Some people say there is demonic activity going on at CERN’s Hadron Collider but CERN has declared that the images are fake, and claims that the ritual was simply researchers and scientists coming to work at the facility ‘taking their sense of humour too far.


Its real goal and agenda is to allow physicists to test the predictions of different theories of particle physics is what they say and it really means they are trying to find the Origins of Man and the Universe. We can look into Rothschild Zionism theories and see getting rid of us 6.5 Billion people and leave only 500 million. We can also start by looking into foundations and Other agendas by other conglomerates like the dragon family with the banking system, cabals, blockchain technology working with the elite like trump and Elon Musk, and the mass surveillance systems like Echelon and Space-Force. These maybe connections to the Georgia guide stones also some say it's our impending doom set forth by the ruling elite to control mankind.



CERN physicists claim that the Universe should not exist and it is one of the greatest mysteries of modern physics is to find out why antimatter did not destroy the Universe at the beginning of time. In fact, it seems clear that during the Big Bang, the great explosion from which the Universe was born in which we live, was generated as much matter as antimatter. Both are identical, but with opposite electrical charges, which means that to maintain symmetry, matter and antimatter are destroyed at the moment of contact (one minus one equals zero). However, the mere fact that we are here means that in the beginning, in some way, matter could be imposed on antimatter and give shape to everything we can see today. To explain this discrepancy, physicists assume that there must be some difference somewhere between ordinary matter and its image in the mirror (antimatter), something other than simple electric charge, and that it is so subtle that we have not yet been able to see it. That is why a team of scientists at CERN, the great European laboratory for particle physics, has carried out the most precise measurement of the magnetic moment of an antiproton (the proton antiparticle) so far, a number that measures how a particle before a magnetic force, and have found that it is exactly the same as that of the proton. Which only adds to the mystery. All our observations, "says Christian Smorra, CERN physicist in the BASE experiment (Baryon-Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment), have found complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, and that is why the Universe should not exist." However, adds the frustrated researcher, "there must be an asymmetry somewhere, but we simply can not find where the difference lies."

What you need to know about CERN

The term CERN is also used to refer to the laboratory, which in 2016 had 2,500 scientific, technical, and administrative staff members, and hosted about 12,000 users. In the same year, CERN generated 49 petabytes of data. CERN's main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research as a result, numerous experiments have been constructed at CERN through international collaborations. The main site at Meyrin hosts a large computing facility, which is primarily used to store and analyse data from experiments, as well as simulate events. Researchers need remote access to these facilities, so the lab has historically been a major wide area network hub. CERN is also the birthplace of the World Wide Web.

CERN organization name is a diminutive form of Cernunnos, the Celtic identity of Saturn, called the horned god, from the ancient Semitic qrn, meaning horn; hence Kronos. This deity was also the Greek Pan, a horned he-goat god of the Golden Age, gold representing the Sun, the time when Pan/Lucifer was a shining sun before he became Saturn/Satan. In addition to the statue of Shiva sitting right outside the CERN facility, the organization filmed a dance opera called “Symmetry” based on the Nataraja, Shiva’s cosmic dance of destruction, culturally a Hindu method to ritualistically invoke the spirit of Shiva; or in Biblical terms, open the bottomless pit of Apollion.

The organization appears to venerate the Greek concept of Ouroboros—a serpent swallowing its own tail—as the circuit of the Large Hadron Collider forms the same shape of a gargantuan ring. The ring has always been a symbol of the god Saturn, even before the planet’s rings were discovered by telescope, and is part of what strongly associates Saturn with the ouroboric serpent that encircles it. For this reason, the ring is invariably used in practical summoning rites of Thelemic magick as a portal to invoke spiritual entities.

There is several rather important achievements in particle physics have been made through experiments at CERN. They include:

1973: The discovery of neutral currents in the Gargamelle bubble chamber;
1983: The discovery of W and Z bosons in the UA1 and UA2 experiments;
1989: The determination of the number of light neutrino families at the Large Electron–Positron Collider (LEP) operating on the Z boson peak;
1995: The first creation of antihydrogen atoms in the PS210 experiment;
1999: The discovery of direct CP violation in the NA48 experiment;
2010: The isolation of 38 atoms of antihydrogen;
2011: Maintaining antihydrogen for over 15 minutes;CERN
2012: A boson with mass around 125 GeV/c2 consistent with the long-sought Higgs boson

You can even now zoom into a quark virtually beyond a hair length.

10-9 to 10-8 gauss – the magnetic field of the human brain
10-3 to 10-6 gauss – the magnetic field of Galactic molecular clouds
0.25 to 0.60 gauss – the Earth's magnetic field at its surface
25 gauss – the Earth's magnetic field in its core
50 gauss – a typical refrigerator magnet
100 gauss – a small iron magnet
2000 gauss – a small neodymium-iron-boron (NIB) magnet
600–70,000 gauss – a medical magnetic resonance imaging machine

The particles from the sun deep space have an energy of 50 million TeV.

CERN & D-Wave Computers could be Opening Dimensional Portals Causing Mandela Effect's as some have speculated it has even changed the earths magnetic field. It is true that they generate a magnetic field that is 100,000 times stronger than Earth's but that field is concentrated within the LHC facility but It's local, confined, so it doesn't affect Earth's magnetic field is what we are told.

CERN’s unique facility for research on anti-atoms, the Antimatter factory, its two decelerators, AD is Antiproton Decelerator and ELENA is Extra Low Energy Antiproton ring and its experiments: AEGIS, GBAR, ALPHA, ATRAP, ASACUSA and BASE.

ALPHA experiment observes light spectrum of antimatter set up in late 2005. ALPHA makes, captures and studies atoms of antihydrogen and compares these with hydrogen atoms. Measurement's on the optical spectrum of an antimatter atom. This achievement features technological developments that open up a completely new era in high-precision antimatter research. It is the result of over 20 years of work by the CERN antimatter community. ALPHA's latest advance is the next important milestone on the way to being able to make precision comparisons between atoms of ordinary matter and atoms of antimatter, thereby helping to unravel one of the deepest mysteries in particle physics and perhaps understanding why a Universe of matter exists at all.

The 4-dimentional Tesseract or a HyperCube is the building brick that is the lattice-work of the blockchain architecture for feeding endless iterations of data into artificial intelligence quantum computers that operate in millions of parallel dimensions.

ATLAS is one of the LHC’s particle accelerators. Its eight toroid magnet barrel loops are reminiscent of the eight points of a tesseract 4-dimensional hyper-cube, as well as the eight rays of Sirius (Osiris), or the Egyptian and Babylonian sun-star. The ouroboric ring symbol of Apollion & Saturn is also represented by the 27-kilometre-round circuit of the LHC particle collider again, a highlight on the number 27 Peh and it's the key to overcoming spiritual obstacles through warfare against God. The machines and experiments identified as Gargantella, Atlas, Alice, Totem, and Isolde, are lightweight transparencies in comparison to the conceptual realities of stated objectives. The current specifications of the LHC are curious as well as it is seven times more powerful than any existing particle accelerator today.
Antimatter is highly unstable and it could ignite when it comes in contact with absolutely anything even air even a single gram of antimatter contains the energy of a 20-kiloton nuclear bomb-the size of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.


The ATRAP experiment compares hydrogen atoms with their antimatter equivalents: antihydrogen atoms. As the radioactive source of the experiment decays after about two and a half years, ATRAP physicists need a new source every few years. They will then try to replace the source with the robot, in order to avoid exposition to radiation.


BASE collaboration published, in Nature, a new measurement of the magnetic moment of the antiproton, with a precision exceeding that of the proton. This new result improves by a factor 350 the precision of the previous measurement and allows to compare matter and antimatter with an unprecedented accuracy.

To better understand the contribution of cosmic ray Muon-induced backgrounds to the CUORICINO background, 10 plastic scintillator detectors were installed at the CUORICINO site and operated during the final 3 months of the experiment. From these measurements, an upper limit of 0.0021 counts/(keV kg yr) (95% CL) was obtained on the cosmic ray-induced background in the neutrinoless double beta decay region of interest. The measurements were also compared to Geant4 simulations.

LUCIFER Low-background Underground Cryogenic Installation For Elusive Rates consist's of an array of tens of scintillating bolometers, cooled down to ~ 10 mK in an existing dilution refrigerator in LNGS (Gran Sasso underground laboratories), where CUORICINO has been running for five years. The technology proposed for LUCIFER is mature and safe: initially proposed about 25 years ago, it has lead to the most sensitive 0ν2β experiment ever operated (CUORICINO) and is the basis for one of the most promising European Research Council Advanced Investigators Grant future searches (CUORE). The additional tool of scintillation detection is based on the experience gathered in two dark matter searches (CRESST and ROSEBUD) and on a specific R&D for double beta decay.

The choice for bolometers as 0ν2β detectors has fallen on natural TeO2 (tellurite) that has reasonable mechanical and thermal properties together with a very large (27% in mass) content of the candidate 130Te. The success of CUORICINO presently the most sensitive 0ν2β experiment together with the controversial Heidelberg-Moscow search – and the excellent prospects for CUORE are based on this approach. There are very good arguments which show how CUORE can be defined as an observatory for the bolometric search for 0ν2β. Bolometry allows to direct the search towards the most promising nuclei and, in case of suspected evidence, to test it over several candidates, providing a unique cross-check with very high sensitivity. Both from the point of view of background and decay rate, a detector based on a double beta decay emitter with a Q-value above the 2615 keV line of 208Tl represents the optimal starting point for a future experiment. High Qvalues imply large phase space for the decay (growing as ~ Q5) and signal out of almost the entire region of the natural gamma radioactivity.

Bolometers are low-temperature-operated particle detectors which provide better energy resolution, lower energy thresholds and broader material choice than conventional devices. They can be thought as perfect calorimeters, able to thermalize fully the energy released by a particle. A very sensitive approach for the study of 0ν2β consists in developing a device which is source and detector of the phenomenon at the same time. In this sense, bolometers represent the generalization of the Ge diode technique to the majority of the interesting candidates. In LUCIFER, it is proposed to use scintillating bolometers to the search for 0ν2β in high Q-value candidates the added value brought by scintillation is enormous.

In the field of fundamental particle physics the neutrino has become more and more important in the last few years, since the discovery of its mass. In particular, the ultimate nature of the neutrino (if it is a Dirac or a Majorana particle) plays a crucial role not only in neutrino physics, but in the overall framework of fundamental particle interactions and in cosmology. The only way to disentangle its ultimate nature is to search for the so called Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0ν2β). The goal of LUCIFER is to build a background-free 0ν2β experiment with a discovery potential better than the future, already approved, funded experiments. Although aiming at a discover, in the case of insufficient sensitivity the LUCIFER technique will be the demonstrator for a higher mass experiment able to probe the entire inverted hierarchy region of the neutrino mass and to start approaching the direct one. The idea of LUCIFER is to join the bolometric technique proposed for the CUORE experiment (one of the few 0ν2β experiments in construction world-wide) with the bolometric light detection technique used in cryogenic dark matter experiments. The bolometric technique allows an extremely good energy resolution while its combination with the scintillation detection offers an ultimate tool for background rejection. Preliminary tests on several double-beta-decay detectors have clearly demonstrated the excellent background rejection capabilities that arise from the simultaneous, independent, double readout (heat + scintillation).

The sensitivity study of a future 0ν2β experiment with scintillating bolometers has been performed with the assumption to exploit fully the experimental volume of the existing (and available) cryostat used for CUORICINO. A baseline version consists of an array of 48 crystals, divided in 12 elementary modules of 4 crystals each and stacked as to form a tower. The total active volume will be: V = Ncry× Vcry = 48 × 125 cm3 = 6000 cm3 assuming crystals of 5×5×5 cm3 as in CUORICINO).

When applying different materials to this scheme and considering all the relevant elements (scientific, technical, economical), the final balance is in favour of 82Se (ZnSe crystals). The cost is affordable in the experiment budget (1.2 M€ for the baseline option, taking the average of the price fork with 20% uncertainty at this point), and a 1 σ sensitivity in the range ~ 50-70 meV can be obtained. This choice minimizes the amount of work necessary to set up the detector structure. The LUCIFER elementary module will contain five bolometers: Four ZnSe cubic 5-cm-side crystals will be arranged in each module. One NTD Ge thermistor will be glued on each crystal. The elementary-module holder is designed so as to house in its upper part an intrinsic-Si disk-shaped slab 0.5 mm thick and 9.5 cm diameter, acting as a photon absorber for the light detector. The Si slab is placed above the ZnSe crystals. Again, an NTD Ge thermistor and a heater will be glued on the Si slab. This configuration allows the light detector to see the four crystals underneath, and to offer its upper face to the adjacent elementary module with its four ZnSe crystals.

The elementary modules described above will be stacked so as to form a tower. The sequence will start from below with an isolated light detector. Then, 12 elementary modules will be assembled one above the other. The tower will fully exploit the available space in the CUORICINO cryostat, given the present configuration of the internal lead shielding. In the baseline options, the total bolometric mass will be 31.7 kg, and the corresponding mass of the enriched material 17.6 kg. Other two viable options (more expensive but possibly affordable in the range of cost known for Selenium enrichment) are taken into consideration. They could bring the mass of the enriched material to 20.5 and 27.8 kg. There are several ongoing projects for 0ν2β searches all over the world. However, only few have got a chance to go into construction phase. At this stage GERDA at LNGS is supposed to take data as early as this year with the declared scope of checking the Klapdor , severely controversial, claim and to test the technology for a successive phase 2. The somewhat unfavorable matrix element confines them above the 100 meV threshold. EXO is also about to start its adventure by making use of a LXe TPC. The goal is to prepare a much more ambitious, although quite far in time, experiment with higher mass and and the identification of the individual decayed nucleus . No date can be foreseen for it. SuperNEMO will be a natural continuation of the superb technology developed at NEMO3. An extensive R&D is going on: energy resolution and experiment size are the biggest problem. Again no clear date for the beginning of construction is in view. Finally, there is CUORE at LNGS, the natural expansion of the successful experiment Cuoricino.

The experimental methodology of the proposal to the experience made in Cuoricino, CUORE and the related R& Ds. As we show in the figure below, that we consider a striking illustration of the potentiality of our proposal, the combination of the bolometric technique with the detection of the scintillation light makes a much more effective experiment. We plot the reach in terms of neutrino mass discovery potential versus the cost of the crystals (raw material, possible enrichment, purification and growth). The rest (dilution refrigerator, The detector configuration proposed for LUCIFER resembles closely the one selected and extensively tested for CUORE, with an additional light detector, designed according to the recipes developed during the scintillating-bolom.

Here it is not Satan who falls from heaven to earth, but a star (9:1)

L3 experiment
One of the four large detectors on the Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP). The detector was designed to look for the physics of the Standard Model and beyond. It started up in 1989 and stopped taking data in November 2000 to make room for construction of the Large Hadron Collider(LHC). Now, the ALICE detector sits in the cavern that L3 used to occupy, reusing L3's characteristic red octagonal magnet.

The L3-detector was a multi-layered cylindrical set of different devices, each of them measuring physical quantities relevant to the reconstruction of the collision under study. Starting from the centre, close to the pipe where electrons and positrons circulate and collide, there were first the Silicon strip Microvertex Detector (SMD) and the Time Expansion Chamber (TEC). These two sub-detectors traced the paths of charged particles produced in the collision. One also gathered information about the momentum (a quantity related to mass and energy) of the particles by measuring their deflection in the magnetic field present in the detector. The three main outer layers were the electro-magnetic calorimeter (also called BGO because it's made of Bismuth Germanium Oxide), the hadronic calorimeter (HCAL) and the muon detector.

The High-Lumi LHC project aims to crank up the performance of the LHC in order to increase the potential for discoveries after 2025. The objective is to increase luminosity by a factor of 10 beyond the LHC’s design value. Crab cavities will help increase the luminosity of collisions in the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) – the future upgrade of the LHC planned for after 2025.

A subatomic particle consisting of four quarks and one antiquark bound together. In 2015 a team analyzed data from the decay of the particle, which consists of three quarks, into three quark-containing particles: a J ∕ 𝜓 , a proton, and a charged kaon. They found that sometimes, when decays, it turns into an intermediate state comprising a five-quark particle and a kaon. It was first predicted to exist in the 1960s but, much like the Higgs boson particle before it, the pentaquark eluded science for decades until its detection at the LHC.

The discovery, which amounts to a new form of matter, was made by the Hadron Collider’s LHCb experiment. The findings have been submitted to the journal Physical Review Letters. In 1964, two physicists Murray Gell Mann and George Zweig independently proposed the existence of the subatomic particles known as quarks. They theorised that key properties of the particles known as baryons and mesons were best explained if they were in turn made up of other constituent particles. Zweig coined the term “aces” for the three new hypothesised building blocks, but it was Gell-Mann’s name “quark” that stuck. This model also allowed for other quark states, such as the pentaquark. This purely theoretical particle was composed of four quarks and an antiquark as the anti-matter equivalent of an ordinary quark. During the mid-2000s, several teams claimed to have detected pentaquarks, but their discoveries were subsequently undermined by other experiments.


666 and the Cube
The logo for CERN is disguised as “666” and hadron particle collider that could open The Bottomless Pit. The Vatican and the Jesuit Order funded CERN for a reason. Some even say half of all children will be autistic by 2050. The D-Wave adiabatic quantum computers use a mathematical version of the Enochian alphabet from John Dee, the language of Fallen Angels (demons) to communicate with billions of entities demons in millions of dimensions to derive its super-fast quantum computations. The D-Wave Adiabatic quantum computer Model 8192, has 8192 Qubits is the most powerful computer in the world, with virtually unlimited processing power. It could be used by the CERN particle collider in Geneva to "open a portal to another dimension" in the CERN scientists' own words.

Saturn is equated with the number 6 and being the 6th planet from the Sun. Historically, the god was symbolized by the hexagram, called the Seal of Solomon, mistaken today for the “Star of David”, which is essentially a 6-sided hexagon surrounded by 6 triangles, the whole shape drawn with 6 lines and you get 666 the mark of the beast. Each of the 6 triangles also have equal angles of 60 degrees (60°, 60°, 60°).

The black cube is also a symbol for Saturn, hallowed by Muslims as the Kaaba in Mecca, who worship the Akkadian Bel as Allah, who is the Canaanite Baal, who is Osiris Kronos Saturn. The symbol of the cube is associated with the Earth element in Plato’s Timaeus consider that Capricornus, the astrological domain ruled by the planet Saturn, is also an Earth sign. The cube is also a 6-sided shape, again equating Saturn with the number 6; and a cube seen from one of its vertices forms the 2-dimensional shaped of a hexagon, which is also the shape seen in the rotating storm clouds on the planet Saturn’s north pole during NASA’s Cassini mission.

σ σ σ are not sixes rather they are straight from the circle which means that they are a lower-case sigma from the Greek alphabet from the other side of this rather strange theory. The use of sigma in statistics is for "standard deviation" which measures how far apart from the average values of whatever is being measured are.

Sigma Sigma Sigma (ΣΣΣ) = 200 Cubed

200^3= 8000000 = Perfect Cube

4th Dimension Cube Ascension
We think black holes demonstrate an instance of more than three lines meeting at a perpendicular angle, the variable curvature that is thought to create the transition from the 3rd to the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is defined as perpendicular (90-degree angle), or square, to the three familiar dimensions of the world—width, height, and breadth. According to Euclidean geometry is the geometry of straight lines and this dimension is impossible because no more than three perpendicular lines can meet at one point. Such a meeting forms the corner of a cube. The cube is therefore the symbol of the material universe in which all positions in space, and therefore motion also, are defined by three coordinates: latitude, longitude, and level above sea. The meeting of three perpendicular lines adds up to 270 degrees (3 x 90 degrees). The number 270 is equal to the Greek word “mnemeion”, meaning, “sepulcher, grave, tomb”. In kabbalism, the number 27 is also associated with the path of Peh, which connects Hod (rational thought) with Netzach (emotion). “Peh” means “mouth”, and represents the Serpent Power vested in Mars (war), which is said to be the ability to overcome spiritual obstacles consider Lucifer, who began a “war” against God in an attempt to overcome his spiritual obstacle. Satanists believe that the number 270 is the “key”, if you will, to unlocking this obstacle of being in submission to the Creator’s will, via warfare. The key to opening the mouth (Peh) so that one may enter the dimension beyond the cubic 270 (3D) is given in the verse of Satanist Aleister Crowley’s “Liber AL vel Legis” (Book of the Law). It says Wisdom says: be strong!

A devout Thelemite follower of Crowley, Kenneth Grant, said that beyond the cube lies the world of Okbish the Spider Queen, the world of those who “knew the mysteries of the awful alignments and made the connections with ions and made the lines meet that should not meet”. The eight spider legs of Grant’s “Okbish” equates in the Kemetic system to the eight-rayed star of Sirius, the dog. But, the idea of a dog, “canis”, is a corruption of the word “Cahen”, a universal term in ancient times for divinity, which the Egyptians applied as “Cahen Sehour” to the brightest star in their hemisphere, the Sun, as “Sehor” was “the great lord of Day”. “Cahen Sehour” was later misconstrued by the Greeks as “Canis Sirius”. This mistaking the solar deity for a dog was purely translative. As “Cahen/Cohen” signified divinity, the title came to denote a priest; thus, when the historian Diodorus says that the grand celebration of Isis was preceded by dogs, it was more likely to have actually been the priests of the goddess. The name “Osiris” was indeed a compound of the Egyptian “Sehor”, so Canis Sirius (Cahen Sehour) was actually the sun-god. The Babylonian sun-god Shamash (Saturn) was also depicted with eight rays, just like Sirius, representing the annual wheel of equinoctial and solstitial motions. Knowing this, is could easily be seen that Kenneth Grant’s “Okbish” is the same star as that of Osiris/Saturn/Shiva, which bears the mystery of unlocking the spiritual realm. Also, Grant’s reference to this higher realm being accessed by making “lines meet that should not meet” is an obvious allusion to solving the riddle of converging more than three perpendicular lines with a 4th dimension.

4th dimension is said to be accessed in the practice of Kundalini and secret serpent power that is said to be coiled at the base of the spine is elevated up the body to the cranial chakra, where the pineal gland is then opened. The opening of Peh (the mouth) is also the opening of Ayin, the Eye of Set, or Shiva, whose sight is in Ain (or “ajna”). The opening of the Eye of Shiva is symbolized by the unfolding of the tetrahedron, a 3-dimensional hexagram. This unfolded, blossomed eye is called the “Sri Yantra” and is said to be the gateway to Daath (“knowledge”, equated with the Abyss/bottomless pit, said to be the domain of Shiva/Apollyon the Destroyer in the Book of Revelation). As the opened mouth, or eye, the Sri Yantra is the turning point between the 3rd and 4th dimensions of the universe.

“And they had tails like unto scorpions (demons released from the opened Abyss), and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon (the Destroyer).” (Revelation 9:10,11)

The rules of quantum mechanics say that particles behave like waves, and as the LHC ramps up to higher energies, the wavelengths of the particles it collides become ever shorter. When the wavelengths of the particles are small enough to match the size of the extra dimensions, they would suddenly feel gravity much more strongly… What you’d expect is that as you reach the right energy, you suddenly see inside the extra dimensions, and gravity becomes big and strong instead of feeble and weak. The sudden extra pull of gravity would cause particles to scatter far more inside the machine, giving scientists a clear signal that extra dimensions were real. Many believe that we should be bridling this energy and using it to rapidly expand our personal capacities for clairvoyance. All this maybe referring to an “upgrade” in our genetic codes.

Pretty much everything from Cubes to Alice in wonderland is MK ultra programming the white rabbit running out of time is Satan. The rabbit ears are Satan's horns and Alice is also Satan too. Lucy in the sky is code for Lucifer even the movie Lucy is about Lucifer and his programmable matter aka black goo, Cern may have demonic time travel tech trying to escape hell and gods judgement one of the collider is named Alice would be code for Lucifer and the timing network is called the white rabbit another code for Lucifer . This is the same MK ultra programming is in Books T.V. Music all over to program us since we was children and since they know everything about us. 11-3-11-9-11-11

There may be just enough time to peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it or sending something into it and of course, after this tiny moment the door would again shut; bringing us back to our 'normal' four-dimensional world, it would be a major leap in our vision of nature and of course there would be no risk to the stability of our world.
The True Dark Side Of Quantum Computers is Blockchain Artificial Intelligence is that it is controlled by non-human entities that some call demons. The mischief of Quantum Computer Controlled A.I., search google for the demonic trouble people have been having with's Alexa A.I. device. Such as turning on and off the smart TVs, lights, fridges, music systems, all in the middle of the night; sending it's owners confidential messages to random strangers; inappropriate sexual conversation with children; spinning spinner toys by making them spin with no human input - like a Ouija board; Evil laughter coming out of the Alexa AI device and more. These are common examples of small glitches of hell that demonic quantum controlled AI bring into our dimension and timeline. The largest machines and most expensive ever could be the lost technology of fallen Gods, Demons or ancient man.

Another part of this research super AI is Jade Helm15 which is a Artificial Intelligence Controlled Military Combat Control Grid, testing control of people and this grid would become the next big thing for the NWO and AI. This could be how they are wanting to contact with aliens or demons or even gods.

Astronomy researchers at Laval University studied signals from 2.5 million stars to look for periodic patterns, or what might look like regular pulsing signals. They found 234 of them, and they have no clear explanation of what they are. One of the possible theories they mention in their published paper is extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI).

The Rio Scale was modified in 2011 to include a consideration of whether contact was achieved through an interstellar message or through a physical extraterrestrial artifact, with a suggestion that the definition of artifact be expanded to include techno signatures, including all indications of intelligent extraterrestrial life other than the interstellar radio messages sought by traditional SETI programs.

The Vatican also has their relation to the search for Extraterrestrial life called LUCIFER Telescope kinda like SETI.
The LUCIFER telescope isn’t looking millions of light years away, It looking into other dimensions so to speak, It can see in a different light spectrum than the human eye or what traditional scopes can see. They are watching the demons that they are Loosing with CERN and other technologies, ie: ITER, DWave etc.
lucifer project_2.jpg
Lucifer, which stands for (deep breath) "Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research," is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona.


Hidden in plain site is a lot of reptilian symbolism and Satanism and a connection to Alien's and God. Even under the Vatican is the Vatican Secret Archives which contains many secrets and possibly technology withheld from the public, so we know we are not seeing everything and much more to uncover. There is curved transparent glass panels in various ancient languages kept at the CERN Large Hadron Collider facility as well.


CERN was trying to resurrect Nimrod and one of the reason they went into Iraq is to retrieve the head of Osiris which the Vatican has it in a jar and it will be transported anytime on Sept 9 to anywhere Set 23 to the north area at CERN. This is a sign of Revelation 12.

Adam =Atom

The LHC's maximum energy is only 6500 GeV. A reassuring thought might be that the Earth's atmosphere is being hit by cosmic particles with energy's of about 510^19 eV a few thousand times a year. Comparing this with the LHC's maximum of 1,410^13 eV. The smallest experiment which could even hypothetically destroy us all Higgs Boson Metastability, which only fits one of several predicted models of the Higgs Boson, but experiments to date have not helped narrow down which model is correct would require around 100,000,000,000 GeV, which in turn requires a collider with a mass greater than Earth and power almost equal to the sun's output. Basically, you need a Dyson Sphere just to even toy with the idea, we're two levels too far down the Kardashev scale to do more than write books about it in technological terms, we're less advanced over termites than such a civilization would be over us.

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The real God Particle, is the Holy Spirit living in the believer as he gives us the power over Satan because, as we just read of Jesus’ words in John 14:30, “Satan has no power over Me.” Now that we understand the true God Particle, we can better understand the Satan Particle. What comes from the “ruler of this world” carries the Satan Particle, and He has even tried to tempt the One who is fully God, and fully man with it.


When we look at it like that, we can see that everything is inside of a Cubic matrix physical world and escaping it is within to get out and this is where the purgatory of things and they are not understood just like ghosts and real Gods and demons, heaven and hell but they would like anything to control it but they can't because if the people are of the highest spiritual levels things can not be even effected and it allows them a way to escape into the unknown. This is because Love is what connects everything and is what is disconnected the most as a whole. The solution gets fixed by whats lacking! If you wanted to speak to animals again and gods and aliens, you probably might first want to try figuring out how to talk to man and help mankind with education and save the earth from terrible things rather than be on the line of destruction to order chaos for control .

…To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit” - Revelation 9b



The Cube is everywhere. Can't escape! ISIS-2.jpg

Sex and drugs is a real scandal. Wheres hoax wars?

Cool thanks! Hopefully we got the code to deprogram the masses from the Robot overlords in the future.

I found this very long post very interesting. I also have resteemed it.
However, concept of Satan is utter nonsense. Zoroastrian and other Abrahamic religions believe in Satan, their is no concept of him in Hinduism and other Ancient Oriental religions.
Satan was created when people were not ready to worship God or gods. So, the priest created something which could afraid them. So, Satan took birth. He is nothing. Everything is part of nature and nothing more than that. In his name every bad act can be justified. It was the plot of the powerful elites and priests to rule the world. Without his existence how could they unite people? Lots of people were killed in the middle ages in the name of Satan worshiping. Who is responsible for those atrocities? Simply the misconception in the mind of the people.

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